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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Black Lightspeeds

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i would kill for some black lightspeeds

Just have you LHS remove them, take the steel out. Properly prep the holder, and use something along the lines of Krylon paint to do it. Shoud resist chipping fairly well if done right, and it will look badass in the end.

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you dont know who i am :ph34r:

k so i remove the holders how do i prep them properly do i need some kind of paint over the Krylon (i think it was said somewhere that it was called Fusion?) how many coats do i do maybe ill do a test run on my old XX soon

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I just taped off my boot, and the steel. I didnt take out the steel or take the holder off. If you tape it off properly, just have the holder exposed than it will be fairly easy. Mine turned out pretty nice.

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I just used regular old spray paint, not the special plastic stuff. I just used hockey tape and random tape i found around the house :P

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I just used regular old spray paint, not the special plastic stuff. I just used hockey tape and random tape i found around the house :P

really? they look awesome how may coats did you do? have you skated on them? they must chip alot

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A friend of mine painted his holders chrome on his 8090s. It looks as gay as it sounds!! ;) The black holders look sick though! Nice job.

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I called Krylon and they said that the Fusion is the way to go and all depending on your style of black. Flat Black #2519 or Satin #2421. I'm going to do this tonight. Thanks for the info above.

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how many coats have to be put on to prevent chippage? or is there some kind of clear coat that i can put on it?

also where can i get some of the krylon, home depot, lowes, online?

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I ordered it from Sherwin Williams. Be sure to give them the color code #s. Not sure about how many coats. I'm guessing 2-3????

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Not sure, I called the local Sherwin Willims store in town. Krylon has a store locator on their site or you can just call them.

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