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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My buddy's trainer told him that it's extremely smart to do some medium cardio the day of a game. I'm pretty sure I'd heard otherwise over the last few years, so I have avoided working out of any kind on the days I have games because I figured it would make me too tired.


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the team I play for train in a leasure center with a gym on the premisses so I normally hit the spin bikes for 20mins or so before I get ready+ another 20mins afterwards, ive seen no harm in doing this, I just count it towards my warm up

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i used to play early morning drop in on the day of the game. i'd sleep an hour before heading to school which ends around 830, then head to my game.

it's no wonder i kept getting cramps and pulling muscles during the game.

i've then resorted to an hour warm up on ice on game days, although my cardio during game, i was breathing and doing good, my muscles were still fatigued.

then i checked the nikebauer website and i'm trying the martin st.louis regiment on game day: 15-20 min morning game day skate, nothing hard, feel the puck etc. i htink it'll be good.

its good to do some light cardio on game days b/c it gets your heart warmed up for the following game, just make sure you get enough rest so your muscles will be fresh.

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i used to play early morning drop in on the day of the game. i'd sleep an hour before heading to school which ends around 830, then head to my game.

it's no wonder i kept getting cramps and pulling muscles during the game.

i've then resorted to an hour warm up on ice on game days, although my cardio during game, i was breathing and doing good, my muscles were still fatigued.

then i checked the nikebauer website and i'm trying the martin st.louis regiment on game day: 15-20 min morning game day skate, nothing hard, feel the puck etc. i htink it'll be good.

its good to do some light cardio on game days b/c it gets your heart warmed up for the following game, just make sure you get enough rest so your muscles will be fresh.

yeah i think light cardio to get your heart rate up is fine.

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Run a few laps around the rink or something an hour or so before the game...enough to get warmed up, followed by some stretching and agility work. But doing any kind of taxing cardio the same day would be counterproductive.

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Typically I do a 30 minute cardio work out that entails maintaining my heart rate at 65-75% of my max HR. (200-24(my age)= 176(my max HR). I do this 5 times a week, and I notice a big difference when I do it vs when I dont do it. I feel slow and I tire much more easily when I do not do the workout as opposed to envigorated and ready when I do the workout.

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Typically I do a 30 minute cardio work out that entails maintaining my heart rate at 65-75% of my max HR. (200-24(my age)= 176(my max HR). I do this 5 times a week, and I notice a big difference when I do it vs when I dont do it. I feel slow and I tire much more easily when I do not do the workout as opposed to envigorated and ready when I do the workout.

are you playing everyday you play? doing cardio a few times a week is always good. but i don't think doing it before a game will help much.

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Typically I do a 30 minute cardio work out that entails maintaining my heart rate at 65-75% of my max HR. (200-24(my age)= 176(my max HR).

heads up dude, its 220 minus your age not 200.

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I digress....thanks for the heads up. When I work out I go between 130bpm and 150bpm which is estimated 65%-75% of 196 (200). Which is what I should be doing. I definately gave you the wrong info about the starting number though. Sorry. I feel like the dumb kid in the back of the class now.

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If you do light cardio in the a.m. you should have plenty of time to recover in time for your game. I go to the gym on game days all the time, I just don't push myself as hard as I normally would. I don't ever feel fatigued during games.

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If you do light cardio in the a.m. you should have plenty of time to recover in time for your game. I go to the gym on game days all the time, I just don't push myself as hard as I normally would. I don't ever feel fatigued during games.

Yeah, I did a half hour on the stationary bike (at a lower difficulty level than usual) and about 20 minutes on an elliptical (slower than usual) about 8 hours before my game last Sunday and felt fine during the game.

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