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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpeners and MRI's

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I wore masks for years until I asked my ear, nose and throat specialist about it and he told me not to worry. No specal precautions. The dust collector gets most of it, your nose hair most of the rest. :D That being said, I recommend asking your Dr and describe your operation to him.

I will say though if you are using a wissota, definately wear a mask when dressing the stone. The cloud coming of that is huge if you don't have some king of vacuum system.

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i am doing research on this very topic....

I drink heavily every night and sharpen a lot of skates every day.  I am trying to figure out which one will kill me first.  I should be able to post my findings shortly....  :lol:

Practicing for the show next year? JR and I will have to take you to see our bartended friend in Toronto. I still think he was a hobbit.

I will say, I didn't bring my game face for the show in Boston. Was very disapointed with the second night, just really didn't feel like drinking. I will have to make sure i am training and am in mid season form for Toronto

I will bring my "A" game if I am able to ditch the gf for that wknd.

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I came up with a kick-ass ventilation system for a portable. I didn't build it however...but if you are interested I just might tell ya...

Interested! I do have a mask that I'll wear. Until I hear your idea, I think Chadd's idea of a box with a hole for the shop vac in it sounds best.

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