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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Loose blade

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Just noticed the back of one of my blades is slightly loose, can i fix this myself or better leave it to a shop? if so how much would it cost roughly?

Or can I just leave the blade like that? lol

Thanks in Advance..

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If your skate has access holes (may be covered) through the sole (have to take out the insole), you may be able to fit a 8mm socket through the access hole in the heel and tighten the nut that holds the blade. Make sure that your socket won't come off inside the holder!

If you don't have the access holes, you may be able to drill your own access hole to fit in the socket. Measure directly upwards from the small arced holes you see at the very bottom of the blade holder to get the drilling point centre. I've done this with my son's skates (Vapor 3 Juniors with Tuuk Custom+ holders).

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Yeah, I did the same thing and it worked fine. Just do not keep tightening the pooh out of it! The holder is plastic, and you CAN overtighten it. Just snug it up good, maybe do another 1/2 turn, and try it out that way.

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I hear you can also use a dab of the blue lock tight glue-like material on the head of the nut to keep it in place. Someone else should make sure I'm referring to the right stuff, because there's some stuff out there that isn't removable.

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I hear you can also use a dab of the blue lock tight glue-like material on the head of the nut to keep it in place. Someone else should make sure I'm referring to the right stuff, because there's some stuff out there that isn't removable.

Red is permanent, blue is the right stuff. I use it on everything that I possibly can.

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If your skate has access holes (may be covered) through the sole (have to take out the insole), you may be able to fit a 8mm socket through the access hole in the heel and tighten the nut that holds the blade. Make sure that your socket won't come off inside the holder!

If you don't have the access holes, you may be able to drill your own access hole to fit in the socket. Measure directly upwards from the small arced holes you see at the very bottom of the blade holder to get the drilling point centre. I've done this with my son's skates (Vapor 3 Juniors with Tuuk Custom+ holders).

Can you believe it, my stepfather insisted it was an allenkey, after failing myself to tighten it, he tried with an allenkey to no avail, then he used the socket, and guess what he dropped the socket in my holder, now i cant get it out, so i ended up sticking wet cloth down tehre to stop the rattling, any suggestions? lol

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Can you believe it, my stepfather insisted it was an allenkey, after failing myself to tighten it, he tried with an allenkey to no avail, then he used the socket, and guess what he dropped the socket in my holder, now i cant get it out, so i ended up sticking wet cloth down tehre to stop the rattling, any suggestions? lol

Get a big drill bit and using it like a router,enlarge the access hole. Then it should shake right out.

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Can you believe it, my stepfather insisted it was an allenkey, after failing myself to tighten it, he tried with an allenkey to no avail, then he used the socket, and guess what he dropped the socket in my holder, now i cant get it out, so i ended up sticking wet cloth down tehre to stop the rattling, any suggestions? lol

Get a big drill bit and using it like a router,enlarge the access hole. Then it should shake right out.

I used long tweezers to orient the socket to be able to shake it out of my enlarged access holes. Don't worry!

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