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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Response + Goal Stick and PTC Blade

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I finallly got to see these today in person at my LHS. The PTC blade is Very light and much better than any other graphite blade I have seen from TPS and I am not a goalie but that goal stick is like a feather.

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Our goalie coach is a TPS rep and has supplied our goalies with the Response Plus goalie sticks, and man those things are light.

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I assume the Response Plus goal stick is graphite, correct? How much were they, out of curiousity?

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I bet those goal sticks will bust like mad. Think of how fast guys on the board have been going through XN10's and that is player use. Now imagine taking slapshots off of it. I just don't think they will be a hit because number 1, too expensive, number 2, will probably break to easily.

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Actually the old ones are pretty durable and the new ones are supposed to be more impact reesistant.

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Ya, and the '03 Synergys were supposed to be durable. No offence, but I just stopped believing all the crap they say about that stuff. I have nothing agaisnt managers trying to sell their product, but I just don't buy what they say anymore. Isn't the XN10 supposed to be super durable because they are made of an "amphobrius" carbon material.

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The XN10 blade has been very durable for me, a major improvement on the old blades. I've never had a problem with shafts. By the way, there is no mention of XN10 in the catalog product description of the goal stick. It sounds like it's essentially one huge PTC blade. It's pre-peg construction instead of RTM.

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I bet those goal sticks will bust like mad. Think of how fast guys on the board have been going through XN10's and that is player use. Now imagine taking slapshots off of it. I just don't think they will be a hit because number 1, too expensive, number 2, will probably break to easily.

Besides that one bad batch, has there really been that many broken XN10s? I know I've had mine since December, and I'm rough on sticks.

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Ya, and the '03 Synergys were supposed to be durable. No offence, but I just stopped believing all the crap they say about that stuff. I have nothing agaisnt managers trying to sell their product, but I just don't buy what they say anymore. Isn't the XN10 supposed to be super durable because they are made of an "amphobrius" carbon material.

do you ever have any posts where youre not bashing a product? youre always bashing something. mods if you feel this post will cause a problem, delete it.

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UM, no actually I like alot of products. I think alot are gimmicks though, if you have a problem with what I post please don't say it on here PM me so we don't have irrevelent posts on these boards.

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If you're going to knock a product, at least have a reason for doing so. A good reason would be even better. If you have no idea, don't bother. There's no requirement to post on every subject.

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I actually do have a good reason. When TPS made the composite goalie sticks before my goalie went through about 4 in a season. They weren't that great duribility wise fom what I have seen. I am speculating in what I am saying, about the R+ goal stick, but it would just make sense to me. Sorry if I pissed everyone off I was just trying to explain my experiances with OP goal sticks.

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eh, two goalies I play with used the xhale and had no problems. only one had one break and it was due to leaning on it in his crouch, and having someone two-hand it

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Ya, and the '03 Synergys were supposed to be durable. No offence, but I just stopped believing all the crap they say about that stuff. I have nothing agaisnt managers trying to sell their product, but I just don't buy what they say anymore. Isn't the XN10 supposed to be super durable because they are made of an "amphobrius" carbon material.

do you ever have any posts where youre not bashing a product? youre always bashing something. mods if you feel this post will cause a problem, delete it.

I am glad you gave the OK for the mods to delet this post you didnt make. I bet they were waiting for your approval.

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