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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What to eat and when?

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Ok, so I have a state tryout this weekend, and I want to have as much energy as I can possibly have. I know I need carbs, but when and how much should i eat? I weight 145lbs if that helps at all. Also what else should I eat and when? Is there anyhting I should eat on the day of the tryout too?

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Before games for about 1 day I just pile in the pasta/chicken and a lot of water.. And bye that I mean about 8 meals of pasta and chicken in the day and just continusly drinking water.. Seems to give me good energy for the next day.

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McDonalds 2 Cheeseburger meal supersized. JK Just eat alot of Carbohydrates because thats good source of energy. Aviod Caffeine. Choose nutrient dense foods that are high in vitamins and minerals.

Pregame avoid fiber rich buly food. Fiber takes a longer to digest and abosorbs water. Meal should be light and easy to digest. Include lots of fluids. Eat 3-4 hrs before. Breads, potatos, pasta and fruit juice.

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Ok, so I have a state tryout this weekend, and I want to have as much energy as I can possibly have. I know I need carbs, but when and how much should i eat? I weight 145lbs if that helps at all. Also what else should I eat and when? Is there anyhting I should eat on the day of the tryout too?

if its a one weekend deal, go with the carboloading...deplete all your carbs in your body for about 3 days before the tryouts, and then on they day before tryouts, stuff your face silly with pasta. come tryouts, you'll be zoomin'. we were put on this diet for provincials the last two years, and you have no idea the impact it'll have on you.

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I make a milkshake that gives me alot of energy.My friends have tried it and they say it gives them alot of energy also. In a blender: Vannila Ice Cream/Chocolate Syrup or just Chocolate ice cream, 1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter and half of a Banana. Whenever I drink them a half an hour before a game I feel great all the way through.I tried just having an energy bar before a couple games and it didnt do anything and I felt sluggish.Or you could try eating a some pasta,which is full of Carbohydates.

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McDonalds 2 Cheeseburger meal supersized. JK

A guy on my team would grab three Jr Bacon Cheeseburgers on the way to the rink. That was his pregrame meal.

I try not to eat the last three to four hours prior to the game, and I drink about 40 ounces of water on the drive down to help me empty out, shall we'll say, and this guy was eating three burgers on the way there. :o

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Ok, so I have a state tryout this weekend, and I want to have as much energy as I can possibly have. I know I need carbs, but when and how much should i eat? I weight 145lbs if that helps at all. Also what else should I eat and when? Is there anyhting I should eat on the day of the tryout too?

if its a one weekend deal, go with the carboloading...deplete all your carbs in your body for about 3 days before the tryouts, and then on they day before tryouts, stuff your face silly with pasta. come tryouts, you'll be zoomin'. we were put on this diet for provincials the last two years, and you have no idea the impact it'll have on you.

Could you explain in mreo detail? This sounds like a good idea. So like eat carbs on mon, then dont eat em of tues. wed. thrs. and stuff them in me on fri?

Also, if anyone has any helpful wesites, please post

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Yeah, be sure to eat plenty of carbohydrates. Also turning up for the tryouts and feeling excited and psyched up should get the adrenaline going, which makes it's all the better.

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