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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spray Paint

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I need to find some Krylon Fusion glossy black color spray paint from somewhere online. None of the hardware stores have it and the only place i found online had only 6 packs and i only need 1 can for my ls's. Any websites?


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That stuff sucks. I put that on my stick and it flaked like a crossaint. The best kind is the Canadain Tire brand. It didnt flake once and it was way less expensive then the Krylon.

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That stuff sucks. I put that on my stick and it flaked like a crossaint. The best kind is the Canadain Tire brand. It didnt flake once and it was way less expensive then the Krylon.

It is plastic paint.You are supposed to sand alittle before it is applied so it bonds to the plastic.I don't think that kind of paint is going to stick to clearcoat or wood.

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just wondering, if the paint bonds to the plastic would it make it weaker? never used fusion before...anybody use this on cf blades?

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