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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tapered blade length

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I am trying a tapered shaft and blade combo for the first time. The shaft I bought is much longer than standard and think i need to cut it down. I am waiting on 2 Inno tapered blades to come before I do anything. My questions is there a standard hosel length fo all blades or do they vary? I know the are shorter than standard blades but is there any difference between manufacteurs? Is Inno longer or shorter than other Manus?

Thanks Sid

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In general are they the same length?

Genrally I've found them to be about the same length as the short hosel standard CCM blade. With tapered blades most blades are a standard length like easton (maybe like an inch or so shorter than the short standard length CCM hosel) then inno is a bit different and of course you can get standard length tapered blades (which are pretty uncommon). Hope this helps, it's about as clear as mud right? LOL

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i've used quite a bit of tapered blades and I would say Easton and TPS have pretty short hosels. Bauer and Innovative have slightly longer hosels while Christian/Harrow have a slightly longer hosel than Bauer.

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i've used quite a bit of tapered blades and I would say Easton and TPS have pretty short hosels. Bauer and Innovative have slightly longer hosels while Christian/Harrow have a slightly longer hosel than Bauer.

Christian #3 is short, #4 is long, they vary as much as anyone.

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I thought Christian offered both short and long hosel in tapered.

in custom woodies, yes. I was talking about retail composite

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SHer-Wood's 930 WOOD tapered blade has the long hosel.

I picked one of these up a couple of weeks ago and have used in a couple times since. For those of you that preferred the longer hosel tapered combo like the T-Flex, this is a nice option. When paired with a Flyweight shaft, the combo felt flexier or "wrist shot zippier" than the same shaft with a 950 standard wood that was shaved and shortened like a typical tapered blade.

Take away message: Sherwood 950 Taper Fit blade felt and performed like its short hoseled equivalent, but added a bit of flex to the combo. I am sold that the taper concept adds value, I'm just not sold that the lower connection point does.

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