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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to fix?

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Ok, I have a lump/calus on my right foot (caused by a skate that creased and was rubbing on that spot) on the little bone on the mid section of the inside part of my foot. The lump/calus sticks out about a 1cm and is about 1.5cms in diameter when I have my skates on the lump is about 2cm down from the 4th eyelet from the top of my skate. The problem is this, I like stiffer skates but I find that even when heat molded there is still alot of presure and friction on the lump on my foot. I am getting new skates hopefully (Mission 10k inline) in the next few days (different skates isn't an option) so how can I solve or minimize the problem? I was thinking of trying to tape a foam piece (like what I understand Kor do) to the lump on my foot when I bake the skates to push that section of the skate out more? Is this a good idea or will this cause more friction?

Also I don't have any knowledgable LHS that can help or punch out my skates!


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i have had two massive lumps on my heels for as long as i can remember, and as far as i know, they are caused by my boots and they have just never had a proper chance to heel.

a friend of mine had to have these lumps sergically removed because they just kept getting bigger and bigger. he was told that if they began to form again the best way to stop them from forming and then get rid of them is to massage the area for 5 or 10 mins before and after you play.

apparently the lumps are a build up of calcium, and massaging it makes them reduce in size and redness.

hope this helps.

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I have a similar but much smaller bump on a different part of my foot from Kors. I'm going to have to try the rub-dwon method of removal.

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whoa i have the same on my right foot too. it doesn't feel like bone, more like cartilagenous material. however the lump on the back of my right heel feels very solid. is it possible to punch that area of your skate?

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i have had two massive lumps on my heels for as long as i can remember, and as far as i know, they are caused by my boots and they have just never had a proper chance to heel.

a friend of mine had to have these lumps sergically removed because they just kept getting bigger and bigger. he was told that if they began to form again the best way to stop them from forming and then get rid of them is to massage the area for 5 or 10 mins before and after you play.

apparently the lumps are a build up of calcium, and massaging it makes them reduce in size and redness.

hope this helps.

i have the same on both of my feet if its a calcuim build up should you stop drinking as much milk or something like tht ?


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Ok, I have a lump/calus on my right foot (caused by a skate that creased and was rubbing on that spot) on the little bone on the mid section of the inside part of my foot.  The lump/calus sticks out about a 1cm and is about 1.5cms in diameter when I have my skates on the lump is about 2cm down from the 4th eyelet from the top of my skate.  The problem is this, I like stiffer skates but I find that even when heat molded there is still alot of presure and friction on the lump on my foot.  I am getting new skates hopefully (Mission 10k inline) in the next few days (different skates isn't an option) so how can I solve or minimize the problem?  I was thinking of trying to tape a foam piece (like what I understand Kor do) to the lump on my foot when I bake the skates to push that section of the skate out more?  Is this a good idea or will this cause more friction?

Also I don't have any knowledgable LHS that can help or punch out my skates!


lol....finally someone I can relate to! I have the EXACT same size lump, but on the left foot. It causes so much trouble.....ugh. I need stiff skates and when that area of the skate is stiff, I need to get a lot of work done on them. For example, my Mission 9500 rollers had to be punched 3 different times in the same area to get it to where they didn't hurt and now I have to find new ice skates because my skates are shot.

I had a Kor fitting with Marcelo today and even he was kinda shocked at my "condition." I am considering surgery on both feet later this year, but the kind of surgery I am going to need is really extensive and going to lay me out for a few weeks....maybe months!

Sucks.... :angry:

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lol....finally someone I can relate to!  I have the EXACT same size lump, but on the left foot.  It causes so much trouble.....ugh.  I need stiff skates and when that area of the skate is stiff, I need to get a lot of work done on them.  For example, my Mission 9500 rollers had to be punched 3 different times in the same area to get it to where they didn't hurt and now I have to find new ice skates because my skates are shot.

Fletch my lumpy brother,

Can you tell me more about what you did to your 9500, cause I am about to get another pair of 10ks? When you say you got your boot punched out, what exactly is involved? How does the LHS punch it out, with what? Do you think the extra foam method would help during the baking process?

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lol....finally someone I can relate to!  I have the EXACT same size lump, but on the left foot.  It causes so much trouble.....ugh.  I need stiff skates and when that area of the skate is stiff, I need to get a lot of work done on them.  For example, my Mission 9500 rollers had to be punched 3 different times in the same area to get it to where they didn't hurt and now I have to find new ice skates because my skates are shot.

Fletch my lumpy brother,

Can you tell me more about what you did to your 9500, cause I am about to get another pair of 10ks? When you say you got your boot punched out, what exactly is involved? How does the LHS punch it out, with what? Do you think the extra foam method would help during the baking process?

They (your LHS) have you put your skates on and have you mark the areas that you are having problems with, then they bake the skate and let it sit on the puncher with the pressure applied from the inside of the boot on the point you are having problems with. It basically expands the area giving you problems so it won't "rub" against your foot in that particular spot.

As far as foam goes, I used foam today while fitting into the Kors, but I can't tell if it worked yet because I haven't skated on them. I hope it did though because I'd rather not have to punch the boot.

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hey i have the same lumps in the same spot on both my feet. i think its because i have low arches, and for me its not calus, its bone. i get massive blisters there sometimes when i get new skates, or just a pair that dont fit my lumps properly. but the pain does go away eventually... i tie my skates a bit looser in that spot. .

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holy crap you did the surgery? how much was it? i dont know if i will have surgery for my flat feet, its not really doing anything to hurt me, asfar as i know, but probably effecting something with my posture and body alignment. .

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I haven't gotten it yet but will probably do so by June. I have no idea how much it will cost, but I have really good insurance so hopefully it won't hit me too hard.

I don't know how old you are, but I'll be 30 in May and only until about 3 years ago I was totally pain free. But over those last 3 years, my knees, lower back, ankles and feet have all begun to hurt pretty badly at times (specifically my lower back) and I finally went back to my Podiatrist and he said he is pretty sure the majority of that pain is being caused by the overpronation of my feet. I'll probably get a second opinion to be on the safe side, but I bet they'll have the same answer as my current Doc.

As far as your case goes, you should try to get into a Podiatrist in your area and see what he thinks.

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cool man good luck with that, im only 19, but i have read some stuff and seen commercials for orthotics and stuff(lol) and im pretty worried about alignment of my body and the rest but yeah you're right, i should go get it checked out before i get problems. ..thx

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Orthotics worked for me when I was younger but when I grew out of them, I didn't get new ones made up and now I'm paying for it.

You're still young....if you wear the orthotics long enough it may "train" your feet/ankles to not roll in.

In any case, I'd still go see a Podiatrist to see what he thinks about it. If he recommends any kind of surgery, make sure you get a second opinion just to be on the safe side.

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I had the same problem with both feet, the left being the worse of the two. I had the surgery on the left foot and it was hell for about 3 months afterwards. I had a cast up to my knee for a month, followed by a big boot for another month and a half, and when i took that off it was very weak and uncomfortable to walk on for a few weeks. The procedure involved cutting my tendon away from the extra bone growth, shaving down the growth, and then reattaching my tendon with a stainless steel pin. Its been two years now and it doesnt give me any problems, but it is a long process and now the right one is giving me problems! Good luck hope this helps

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is it possible to punch the back heel of your skate? i'm starting to get bruising on the back heel of my right foot and i'm worried that it might turn into a spur if i leave it unattended.

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Malcb33: I have the same lump on my right foot, and 1 twice it's (and your) size on my left :(

Play with RbkPumps, originally they were both the same size then I got a slashing on my left foot (wearing Mission d1c's at the time) and it grew to almost a half pingpong ball in size.... <_<

The Foot doctor said I couldn't get it surgically removed, because simply walking on the foot would provide enough friction for to the lump to re-grow(of out irritation)

He said Custom Orthotics would work, to help reduce stress on the feet and over time the "bump" would reduce.

This Monday I'll have custom Sidas insoles made (specific for skateing) at a local ski shop.

And I'll buy everyday insoles for my regular shoes.

The sidas insoles for skateing are called Ski'n Blade, and the company has a very good reputation. They make everything from Jan Ulrich's insoles to the ones the French national Soccer team use.

Price ain't so bad, around 85$ for the custom pair, and 40$ for the standard everyday insoles (in my case for ppl who overpronate).

I'm looking forward to the enhanced performance and comfort my feet will enjoy. B)

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