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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New 2006 Bauer 5500?

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Is there such thing as a bauer 5500 helmet?

I just got an email offering me one of these for a discounted price...

I've searched all over the net and havent found anything about a "5500"

why would they make a 5500, when theres an 8000?

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my understanding is that the 5500 is just the new name of the 5000, the 8500 is the same as the 8000. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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Thanks guys, is there any difference to the model?

Or is it the exact same with a logo change or something?

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Thanks guys, is there any difference to the model?

Or is it the exact same with a logo change or something?

Im pretty sure they just changed the logo on the front and sides.

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Thanks guys, is there any difference to the model?

Or is it the exact same with a logo change or something?

Im pretty sure they just changed the logo on the front and sides.

Didn't they beef up the screw holes behind the ears as well? That area was notorious for cracking prematurely

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Thanks guys, is there any difference to the model?

Or is it the exact same with a logo change or something?

Im pretty sure they just changed the logo on the front and sides.

Didn't they beef up the screw holes behind the ears as well? That area was notorious for cracking prematurely

I know they did that on the 4500, but I'm not sure about the 5500.

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