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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kariya's stick

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Just surprised Kariya got the "special attention" so early in his career before his NHL days. Great story about Chris Gratton, I wish his career added up to more.

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Think of all the hype and coverage Kariya had back then though. I remember seeing Maine games nationally at the time.

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FYI from the Easton website...


First Composite Hockey Blade introduced. Paul Kariya scores 50 goals and 108 points in his second year in the league with the new blade.

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FYI from the Easton website...


First Composite Hockey Blade introduced. Paul Kariya scores 50 goals and 108 points in his second year in the league with the new blade.

lol. something tells me thats skill rather than changing of the blade. but it sure might have helped

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