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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is this possible?

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I currently play tier 8 hockey for a team in edmonton. I should be playing tier 4 and up but I missed tryouts and they threw me on whatever team had space. Unfortunateley it was tier 8.

I have 50 points in 15 games.

I was wondering if I was to workout all summer if I would be able to make rem 15 which is the 15 year olds who didn't make midget AAA or AA.

I would do the following:


Quantum speed(it's a power skating class which is $900!!!!!!!!) You can google it

Hockey heat(It's a slide board plus stickhandling board)

rollerblade all summer

go to a hockey school

Go to a fancy hockey training facility called hockey Hit($1500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And use the bosu ball.

You may be wondering where I am going to get the money from. I am going to get a job but I don't want to get a job at 15 and ruin my whole summer if I won't be able to make this team. Is it possible.

P.s Is the Bosu ball good?

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"Get a job and ruin my whole summer."

Hey it's an experience. Live life to the fullest... sometimes that means going WAY out of your comfort zone and doing things that you're supposedly too young for. And getting a job is not going to ruin your whole summer, it will give you good life experience, character, discipline, physical conditioning and a whole slew of other things that might serve you as much good to get on the team as buying all those things would.

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Tough to say if you'll make it or not. You may be training your ass off but so will lots of other guys that already play rep hockey. I live in Edmonton but I was in my second year of midget when they introduced that REM 15 deal, but it still looked like pretty decent puck to me. It could definitely happen for you though cause it happened to my one buddy. He played B3 or B4 the first year of midget and then I ended up playing against him for two years at AA for the last two years. Just giver shit and work your hardest.

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You don't need a ton of expensive crap to get better. That's all I have to say.

If you're going to spend the money though, the first thing I would dish out for would be skating lessons.

Instead of just rollerblading, which may not actually do you much good, find a roller league around, even if it's only average, it should be fun, remember why you're playing.

What exactly would you use the bozu ball for? If it's for balance, I wouldn't worry about it because you're taking skating lessons, it should help your edge control. Also, plyometrics aren't going to do anything for you if you aren't hitting the weight room. I don't know if you are, but it would be a better place for you to spend your time before doing plyo's.

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One other thing that sometimes works is sign up for another sport.

It will give you other skills to work on, endurance and some fun and new friends.

Soccer would prob. HELP most for hockey with endurance and footwork.

But anything else would help too, preferabllly lacrosse if you got it around.

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If you were planning on buying a Bosu (about $100, right?), I think your money would be better spent elsewhere unless you know hundreds of things to do with it. Decent gyms and training facilities should have them anyway, so there wouldn't really be any need to have your own personal Bosu.

edit: I actually bought the hockey-specific training DVD from the Bosu website. I was all psyched when it arrived and then I realized I just plunked $15 down to watch some guy step all over a blue half-ball for 30 minutes. The exercises were good, but they were all probably the same standard exercises you'd find in non-hockey-specific Bosu instructional videos.

Either way, I changed gym memberships and my new club doesn't have any Bosus.

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