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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Starskie vs Dolomite

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I think you can tell because the inside of the shaft or the butt end has an alpha numeric code listed...JR knows, he was calling the sticks out left and right.

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the starskie and dolomite ARE repainted 1100s. they are not recycled 1100s they are new production with new graphics. techinically inno is still making the sticks and putting warrior graphics on them. the production methods have not changed. thought they may in the future. NO starskie are true-1s. look at the butt end and read the serial/model # sticker. my dolomite shaft says "inno 1100" on that sticker.

kkancho, to answer your question, i have not noticed a difference between my 1100 and Dolomite shaft, other than stiffness (260/255). but that can can be explained by the above.

folks because warrior bought inno does that mean that inno change production overnite? no because warrior had no hockey knowledge piror to the sale. as warrior becomes more fimiliar with sticks we may see some changes, but now is way too soon.

click on the links

these photos are of my dolomite shaft

dolomite shaft

where to look

serial/model# sticker

serial/model# sticker

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Some starkies are true-1's also. I think the ones at hockey monkey are all true-1's.

how do u tell? i have a starskie from Peranis (in detroit)

Wouldn't the blade be removable by heating it if it was a repainted 1100?

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Would it be possible to cut the fused 1 piece sticks (like the true-1) and turn it into a tapered shaft like other 1-piece sticks?

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Would it be possible to cut the fused 1 piece sticks (like the true-1) and turn it into a tapered shaft like other 1-piece sticks?

True one is not fused, but yeah, it can be done.

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What the.. it says Dolomite inside the Starskie? So is Starskie just the same thing but in red?

no idea.. everyone said look inside the shaft I did.. and that's what my starskie says lol

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how does it work about curves and lies ect. like do they make new sticks for the new curves, lies ect?

no change between the two. starskie had only a few patterns were as the dolomite has all of the retail patterns

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I thought we discussed awhile back that since the Starskies were special promo, that they consisted of mixed batches of 1100s/Dolomites and True1/MacDaddys.

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