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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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8090 w/ LS Broken Steel

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Took a shot off the runner last night and broke the steel straight through. They are 8d's w/ 272 Lightspeeds on them.

My question is this:

Does anyone have any recommendations of a shop who won't take me apart on shipping and will do a nice sharpening job on them before shipping them?

The second one is:

The back (bolt) half of the steel camer out nice and easy, but the front half is being a real bitch to come out....does this indicate a warped holder?


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Why don't you just call around to a few LHS's and get some price estimates to repair them?

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the front half of the blade just has a hook. when i got steel replaced on my LS's, the guy just slammed the skate down on a rubber mat and the steel just popped out.

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I reccomend you go down to the Tuuk Custom+ holder apart from slight pitch difference i couldn't tell anything different and when you put that many holes in a blade and/or holder it doesn't make it stronger

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I'd say you best bet would be to make the drive to one of the nearer FLA shops if they have they steel on hand. It will be cheaper and you will be up and running in hours instead of days.

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