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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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so, i was at my LHS today, and i saw a Trilage, and thought to my self, "wow, i havent seen one of these in years, trangle sticks were cool!" but when i grabbed it, i was more shaped like the old bauer Concave-convex, where the front was curved in ")" and the back out ")" kinda making a shape like ")_)" it was nice feeling, but the stick was too heavy IMHO.

but how about u guys? have u seen this new trilage? anyone use it? or the old triangle one? and to those that do use one, do u like it?

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it hit the shelves a year or 2 ago, they had Tucker/Corson? using them for a while...just depends if it feels right in your hand...

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i hav a trilage from back in the day when they were popular

i havetn usd it in a long time

its in descent condition its a senior i cant imagine usin it for ice hockey cuz i used to jsut use iot for pick up games at the local roller rink

if any body mgiht be interested in buyin it ill see what i can do

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it hit the shelves a year or 2 ago, they had Tucker/Corson? using them for a while...just depends if it feels right in your hand...

This is Tuckers first NHL season using the Trilage, and Colaiacovo is also using one.

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Trevor Daley as well.

Daley hasn't used Trilage in a while. He switched over to Easton a couple months ago. Right now he's using a Stealth.

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so, i was at my LHS today, and i saw a Trilage, and thought to my self, "wow, i havent seen one of these in years, trangle sticks were cool!" but when i grabbed it, i was more shaped like the old bauer Concave-convex, where the front was curved in ")" and the back out ")" kinda making a shape like ")_)" it was nice feeling, but the stick was too heavy IMHO.

but how about u guys? have u seen this new trilage? anyone use it? or the old triangle one? and to those that do use one, do u like it?

I had one of the old Bauers, I think it was the teal colored one, not the pinkish-red one.

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