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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dolomite blades

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From the pictures I've seen on the warrior site and catalog, the hosel length on the Dolomite blades appears quite a bit longer than other tapered blades. Anyone know how the hosel length compares with the Synthesis and 6K blades of the world?

As someone who bounces between blades, I don't want to have to keep adjusting shaft lengths each time I get fickle and change again.

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I also find that the Inno blades have slight smaller tenons than what is the standard. Whenever I put an Inno blade into a non-Inno shaft, the blade wiggles around in one direction (perpendicular to the axis of flex). I'm waiting for an Inno shaft that I ordered to see if their blades fit properly in it. I assume that they will.

As for your question...Each Inno pattern seems to have a different hosel length. They may even vary in length with the same pattern.

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I also find that the Inno blades have slight smaller tenons than what is the standard. Whenever I put an Inno blade into a non-Inno shaft, the blade wiggles around in one direction (perpendicular to the axis of flex). I'm waiting for an Inno shaft that I ordered to see if their blades fit properly in it. I assume that they will.

As for your question...Each Inno pattern seems to have a different hosel length. They may even vary in length with the same pattern.

I have had the same problem with TPS blades in any shaft but a piece of tape has always solved the problem

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I also find that the Inno blades have slight smaller tenons than what is the standard. Whenever I put an Inno blade into a non-Inno shaft, the blade wiggles around in one direction (perpendicular to the axis of flex). I'm waiting for an Inno shaft that I ordered to see if their blades fit properly in it. I assume that they will.

As for your question...Each Inno pattern seems to have a different hosel length. They may even vary in length with the same pattern.

Every maker has them vary a little from pattern to pattern. However, I have noticed that clone patterns tend to match each other, ie. Sakic and Nash blades both have similar hosel lengths on the Synth and R-2 blades.

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