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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom curve

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whats better to put custom curves on abs or wood some specific ones would be nice too if possible i also dont want a really heavy wood lade either, and does any one kno when to find a straight curved blade too

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You cant heat up plastic because it will lose its stiffness and you can heat up and curve any wood blade.

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usually when i heat up wood blades i end up accidently de lamianting them

when then you are heating them for too long or you are holding them too close to the heat source for too long in 1 area.

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Beside christian,tps is there any other compagnie who offer custom?

Also, any of them do composite blade or standard very stiff wood blade?I know christian and tps make very good blade but as i know, it is only available for tapered wood blade...

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Beside christian,tps is there any other compagnie who offer custom?

Also, any of them do composite blade or standard very stiff wood blade?I know christian and tps make very good blade but as i know, it is only available for tapered wood blade...

i prefer sher-wood for custom blades

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do those companies offer custom two-piece blades? and what's the minimum you need to order?

two-piece blades?

Most have minimums of 6 blades, and they make tapered or standard blades for shafts.

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Old Christian´s with the diamond sock were easiest to recurve. You could not de-laminate or break them whatsoever.

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Old Christian´s with the diamond sock were easiest to recurve. You could not de-laminate or break them whatsoever.

Branches were easier

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do those companies offer custom two-piece blades? and what's the minimum you need to order?

two-piece blades?

Most have minimums of 6 blades, and they make tapered or standard blades for shafts.

oh, i'm sorry that didn't come out right. I ment blades for a two piece stick. Thanks.

Hmmm I know that christian has a minimum of 3 for custom goalie sticks, so maybe they only require 3?

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do those companies offer custom two-piece blades? and what's the minimum you need to order?

two-piece blades?

Most have minimums of 6 blades, and they make tapered or standard blades for shafts.

oh, i'm sorry that didn't come out right. I ment blades for a two piece stick. Thanks.

Hmmm I know that christian has a minimum of 3 for custom goalie sticks, so maybe they one require 3?

Christian is 6

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^ major suckage.

Thanks for the help tho.

6 is alot less than most other manufacturers

yeah, i have no idea. I'm just starting to skate out so I know nothing about skaters equipment.

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Old Christian´s with the diamond sock were easiest to recurve. You could not de-laminate or break them whatsoever.

Branches were easier

Those Rhino-Wrap things with the black fibre? Never had any of them but if you say so. I meant to say in regards to whbd18´s post that with the Christians you could basically expose them to direct heat on one spot for a minute and they wouldn´t de-laminate. Once the blade was fully heated you could basically step on them and they would twist and turn but never break or crack.

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Old Christian´s with the diamond sock were easiest to recurve. You could not de-laminate or break them whatsoever.

Branches were easier

Those Rhino-Wrap things with the black fibre? Never had any of them but if you say so. I meant to say in regards to whbd18´s post that with the Christians you could basically expose them to direct heat on one spot for a minute and they wouldn´t de-laminate. Once the blade was fully heated you could basically step on them and they would twist and turn but never break or crack.

The Rhino's were really thin and it took very little heat to make them bend. I hated the feel of the old christians, they felt dead even when they were new.

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The Rhino's were really thin and it took very little heat to make them bend. I hated the feel of the old christians, they felt dead even when they were new.

ill second that

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When you want to curve a wooden blade, just make sure you dont heat it up to a point where it's too hot to touch with your hands. I used to curve it using my door but after breaking some blades, I just ended up getting that procurve thing and I'm loving it.

How are the new Christians because I just ordered some tapered blades earlier today. It was a pretty good deal too. 4 Blades for $80 CAD and I dont have to pay for shipping because they're shipping it to a local Play it Again Sports for me to pick up.

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