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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pinball Machines

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Holy crap, check out this guy's house

crazy arcade home

guess who has no life :blink:

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy has access to arcade machines professionally, such as repairs them or has a vending machine route. It might not be as large an investment as you'd think.

PS I have a nice foosball table, and the girls don't realize it, but Santa's bringing an air hockey table if I can figure where to fit it in the house....

Each year on December 26th, Sam's Club puts the Christmas items on a big clearance -- sometimes 50% off the warehouse prices. I bought the foosball table last year on the day after Christmas, even though my wife tried to be a party pooper. :P "They're too young. They've never mentioned it. Blah, blah, blah..." But I held strong and grabbed the credit card, and the funny part is when Sam's and Costco brought them out this past season, my daughter kept saying, "Hey, Daddy, wouldn't it be cool if we could have one of these one day?"

After that, my wife didn't put up a stink about the air hockey table, but I honestly am not sure where I'm going to put it or how I'll be able to set it up without the girls seeing it before they've opened their other presents.

Now, all I need is Sam's to have a pool table left over after Christmas....

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My uncle used to repair Arcade machines as side job.I was going to get an Atari Hockey Arcade Machine,but it was really old and not able to be fixed.When I was around 8 yrs old I used to love going over there becuase he had 2 Pinball machines,2 Cotton Candy Machines,A baseball pinball machine that gave you gum balls after you won and much more.

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PS I have a nice foosball table, and the girls don't realize it, but Santa's bringing an air hockey table if I can figure where to fit it in the house....

I bought one for $150 that is a standard sportcraft foosball table (1 goalie, not 3) and it has a air hockey table built in underneath. Originally they used to be junk, but I tell you this foosball table is actually really nice. The bars are solid steel and the feel is right on. The air hockey table is small but it works good.

It was such a good deal, I bought one as a xmas gift for a friend of mine who loves foosball, pinball & arcade machines. He has an upright pinball machine called sea hunt. He also has a 10-in-1 Nintendo Arcade machine and Donkey Kong Jr.

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I've got a Gottlieb Sky Jump. Made in 1974, a good year. It's currently at my Dads house as I just don't have room for it right now. (I'd have to get rid of my bubble hockey table to make room...)

Not my machine, but it looks just like it. (actually this one looks like it's been restored a bit.)

Sky Jump

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Rusty - looks like a good classic machine. I'll have to play it one day if I'm ever in your neck of the woods.

Btw, if anyone ever want to play BK2k and you're in WA or whever I live, let me know, I'd be happy to oblige.

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