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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cold remedies

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As weird as this sounds, blow your nose alot. Make sure your getting enough sleep and rest too if you arn't already.

Good luck and get well soon. :) Neo-Citran works wonders

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Probably too late...but everyone around here is crazy bout that Airborne supplement stuff.

i love that shit works so good i use it at the first sign of a cold and its better by the next day pretty damn good

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i got sick real bad one time last year and all i did for one day was sleep till 4, eat something, sleep again right to 12, get lot of water and keep sleeping. Echnecia and Vitamin C help wonders and also Tylenol Cold makes me feel better

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Hit the cold with vitamin C(preferably with zinc in it) and vit B. I had a cold the other week there so I doubled my dose of bot of these+ was right as rain with in a couple of days. best thing to do is keep up the vitamins etc + try stop the cold before it begins again

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Thanks for everone who replied but today i got a new symptom i started to feel better and my stuffy nose went away but now my nose feels like its burning and stinging what should i do about that?

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See your Dr. and get a shot in the rear. That should clear you up. :rolleyes:

Just make sure it's a real doctor because, well nevermind.

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haha yeah ill pass on the doctor. Thanks for all the tips they seemed to have worked because im feeling much better i still have a bit of a stuff nose tho.

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Take a Cold FX and an echenachia pill every day and drink tea whenever you are sitting down, at work whatever. You will never get sick those are the three Canadian secrects to never getting sick.

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