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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sundin using Alfie's sticks

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Good, I have an '05 ST that is hopefully obsolete so more should pop up then. And I'd have to join the Swedish Stealth bandwagon as well.

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Thanks to a borrowed stick from fellow countryman Daniel Alfredsson, Mats Sundin now has 10 points in his last seven games.


What stick is Sundin using?



this seems to contradict info that Sundin is not endorsed by TPS ?

Anyhoo, it does kind of look like a Synergy. Its painted black over most of the stick. You can kind of see something that looks like the Easton half circles.

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But because Alfredsson's stick is from a rival company, Sundin has had to black out the brand name on the shaft to avoid endorsement contract hassles.

hehehe.. i loved my eastons too Sundin :D

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As I mentioned in the other topic when this came up, the local TPS guy called me to let me know that they were making new sticks for Sundin but there was some delay. Otherwise he would be back in TPS. It's funny how he was one of the guys pushing for lighter and lighter sticks but is now using a little heavier stick.

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As I mentioned in the other topic when this came up, the local TPS guy called me to let me know that they were making new sticks for Sundin but there was some delay. Otherwise he would be back in TPS. It's funny how he was one of the guys pushing for lighter and lighter sticks but is now using a little heavier stick.

Even look at him for TPS, his history. He used a Novius when the True-One was available, used the R+ When both the Adrenaline and Xn10 are available and now his Easton stick is the heaviest of their bunch.

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As I mentioned in the other topic when this came up, the local TPS guy called me to let me know that they were making new sticks for Sundin but there was some delay. Otherwise he would be back in TPS. It's funny how he was one of the guys pushing for lighter and lighter sticks but is now using a little heavier stick.

Even look at him for TPS, his history. He used a Novius when the True-One was available, used the R+ When both the Adrenaline and Xn10 are available and now his Easton stick is the heaviest of their bunch.

this guy has used them all. Graf Laser, Easton Si-Core, Inno Novius, TPS NX-10.

I guess he is bound to always keep on changing every now and then. I personally think he should just stick with Easton. I remember a number of years back when he borrowed Dimitri Yushkevich's Synergy and went on a scoring tear.

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