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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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thought of the day

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After sifting through thread after thread of "should I order X skate or Y skate? I fit will into a Z skate, does that mean I fill fit better in X or Y.. I went to my lhs and tried on all 3 and liked the way X felt, but Y is $100 cheaper on www.im_n_asshat.com".

I thought it would be funny to order 4 or 5 sets of skates from hockey monkey.. trying them all on and then returning them all with a letter telling them that they are going to get a better deal from the LHS... but thanks for letting me try them on for size. :P

Just a thought.

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Now we know why she is known as "Badkitty."

Damnit... do I need to change my name or something? Im a guy.

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I will now take the Vapor XXX out of my mouth... sorry BK but it was 50/50 and I blew it! MSH needs more chickswithsticks, IMO.

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:blink: Ya know I dont know if your in reference to me BadKitty

But just to clear the air: 2 pairs of Graf's purchased through 1 LHS-3rd pair through a different LHS and they have tried to tweak the skates to fit but they still arent right for my feet............

The 7000's and 8000's are coming into a LHS that is 60 miles away from me but I would rather drive and burn the gas to get it right than do the WWW. thing

Gloves or shoulder pads on the WWW gig-OK

Skates -No Way and Never

I'm probably a customer that drives the LHS nuts especially with this skate thing......for that I apologize to them, they all have been great.

I should have stayed with the tried and true thing that I always have used but I thought I would try the Graf's as I didnt really care for the new Bauer's.

What a pain to go through to decide they werent for me.

Thanks to all on this board for your advice and input-it does make a difference

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