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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Durable Graphite blade

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Tired of breaking wood blades.

I am looking for a standard graphite blade that has decent durability.

So far I heard bad things regarind the Easton Graphite and the Easton Ultra Lite blades.

Can anyone recommend me decent graphite blades.

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Try and find an Inno blade. Vector blades had good durability, but awful feel. You may be able to find some close-out Appolo and TPS X1 blades on sale that should work out well.

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Try and find an Inno blade. Vector blades had good durability, but awful feel. You may be able to find some close-out Appolo and TPS X1 blades on sale that should work out well.

i second the tps x1 blade... i've been using the same blade for almost half a year and now i'm almost hoping it would break so i can buy some higher end blades but i just might buy it again. build like a tank just like my xn10 redlite shaft!

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winnwell are cosmetic blem innos that are cheaper. i have had an inno/winwell blade for about 6 months and the only damage it has is some very minor chips. it is still extremely strong.

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Look for a newer TPS X1 or a TPS PTC. Those are goddamn tanks. Inno's are not that durable for me. But unless you get a defective one, the TPS should last quite a while.

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I'll back the X1 [seems to be getting good press in this thread]. I've had one in my Red Lite for ages now and it's still doin just fine!

Hockey Giant have some LH Tkachuks here if that's any help

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Easton pro Z-Carbon if you can find any, I got mine at Peranis.

Inno and TPS PTC are good as well, stay away from Easton if only for the insane prices.

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I'll agree with everyone again for the Easton Z-Carbon as I've been using it in my Cyclone for roller for a few months, but it was said that they're not so great for ice in another thread here.

I have been very pleased with the durability of the Z-carb blade for roller. I was having bad luck with them for ice hockey, so my last three I saved just for sportcourt.

Yeah, they really don't like the ice; once water gets into them they go downhill fast.

I've never used it for ice so can't comment, but for roller it's been great!

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I would rather avoid the shipping as I am in Edmonton Alberta Canada. Does anyone know where I can get a hold of a TPS X1 Tkauck(sp) left handed blade in Edmonton?

Anyone been to United recently? On their site it dosnt list the X1.

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has anyone used the V110 blade? did anyone like them and why? i've been thinking about getting one. I know some folks don't like the feel, but i was wondering if there's anything else

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My personal experience with easton graphite is really good i'm using that for 5 month now and have only some slight marks where some material is chipping off on the toe/mid but nothing has changed to feel for stickhandling and "response" when shooting (sorry for my english).

Just dont expect the feel of the wood blade...

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