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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taper Question

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Which OPS's have the longest taper? I need an 85, but want it to be a little on the whippier side so Im just wondering?

1. CCM Vector v130

2. Vapor XXX??





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for you guys that have had an XXX and the 87 flex, does it feel whippier or stiffer than an 85?

To me, Bauer 87 flex feels slightly stiffer than an Easton 85. Bauer also offers a Sr.77 flex that feels a little bit whippier than an Easton 85 flex.

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for you guys that have had an XXX and the 87 flex, does it feel whippier or stiffer than an 85?

From the "stick flexing sucks/customers suck" thread, a few people claimed that an 87 flex is an 87 flex, period and regardless of manufacturer (and that therefore, there is no point in flexing sticks in a store to compare relative flexiness). If these people are right then by definition the 87 MUST be stiffer than an 85, period. Anecdotally I am not sure if this is true, but there you go.

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i have a 85 easton stealth grip, and i have a vapor XXX lite in the 87 and i thought that my bauer was just a tad stiffer, not enough to say i dont want it but it is just a bit stiffer

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