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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Facial protection?

What type of facial protection do you use?  

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Nothing, because i dont like to throw water half on my mouth and half on my jersey and i'm to lazy to open the cage for drink.

But to say the truth the cage didnt affected my game too much.

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I wear a full cage. The Itech RBE VIII I2 cage to be more exact. I found the white inside/black outside combo to work really well for me having come from the Bauer Tru Vision grey mask. I wear a cage because I don't have dental coverage and I don't trust myself to be able to catch every errant puck that comes my way. This is especially important for me as I tend to screen the goaltender a lot and have been peppered with misguided shots.

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Depending on what helmet I'm wearing, I either wear an Oakley Combo, or an Oakley straight. I voted Half visor/Half cage because I wear my Oakley combo more.

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i have the itech half cage/visor combo and i love it. i used a full cage all my life and switched 3 years ago and will never go back.

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Switched to half visor for this season and never looked back. Using a HS22 pro wave visor now. Have taken a couple of whacks in the face, but nothing major. The vision is much better for me, and much easier to take a drink on the bench!!! Definatly dont wanna go back to a cage.

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Full cage...i'm way to pretty not too, and no dental insurance.

Also from growing up a goalie and now playing out a couple times a week, I tend to lead with my face in many situations, I don't think that would be ideal playing without a cage.

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I have the I-tech FX-50 and love it. I used to use a Bauer 3000 and just didn't like looking through the bars, and i don't really want to take the chance of a stick/puck to the kisser. Haven't had and fogging issues and it goes in an old pillow case when it goes into my bag to protect it.

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I use a full cage myself. It only took one stick to what could have been my eye to keep me on that straight and narrow path. I just can't see having a messed up face (due to hockey) when I only play for a beer league. My two cents.

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Ok, here is my two cents: If you are playing hockey at any level, you should be prepared that you might lose a tooth or teeth. I always played with a full cage until lately when I switched to a half-shield to play rat hockey. I also used to play roller hockey with friends without any protection for years. No major injuries yet to the face, knock on wood, with the half shield. Yeah, with the cage I've taken a puck to the face, a stick to the face, and collided with someone which probably would have knocked out some teeth. But, I also should point out that my only broken tooth was from running up some stairs and losing my step, chipping a tooth. I also have a friends with broken teeth, jacked up eyes, cut faces and what not from going out to bars or messing around with friends. Simple fact, you can get hurt anywhere.

So, is that an excuse to take the chance with a half-visor? Nah. I probably should wear a full cage, and I'll probably end up getting whacked in the face someday with how hard I play. But, I find I enjoy hockey more with the visibility and breathability the visor gives me. Plus, I just feel more relaxed, and not "caged up" in all this gear. Better free movement to keep my head on a swivel, and to have better situational awareness. Yeah, accidents happen. It's just something you must be ready to deal with playing a sport. Last week at rat hockey a guy was talking about someone who lost an eye playing baseball, so it happens everywhere.

I think the thing that scares me most are guys with full cages who just don't give a rats ass where their stick goes. They don't think about it like the guys with visors do, so they are swinging their stuff around with utter disregard for everyone around them. That alone makes me want to wear a cage sometimes. So don't be one of those guys!!!

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