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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkin's fake move

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I still don't get those things on the jersey that look like lights on em'...

Its the new reebok practice jerseys. They dont look like that in person. There is like a silver piping on the side, but with the flash of the camera and the lighting, they look like reflector strips

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Basically, a lot of players when they are planning on shooting high will bend their stick blade forward, cupping the puck in preparation to wrist the shot high. When planning on shooting low, the player will not cup the puck so much, and will have a more flat or bent back blade angle to roll the shot off low and fast. Here, let me try and show you, sort of:

o = puck, \ = blade angle looking at side, <-- direction of shot

High shot: o\ <--

Lower shot: o| or o/ <--

Try this: When you are skating next, skate towards the side boards with the puck. For the first few times, shoot towards the glass. Then shoot towards the glass like you just did the previous dozen shots and think about your stick blade position. Then do the same, trying to hit the colored bottom of the boards, fast and quick. Same thing, dozen shots, then the last one think about where your stick position is. You'll see they are different... most good goalies will look at your blade then your eyes to see where the shot is most likely going to go. Just some things I was taught from an ex-pro goalie, because I couldn't beat him for the life of me. He gave me this tip, and he says I'm more "unreadable."

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It works for the same reason almost any other move of his will work; because he has the weapons to threaten you (the defender) with whatever course of action he chooses. Why do his fake shots work? Because he can also skate around and through you. Why does his puck drag tweeners work? Because he could also stop on a dime and dish or shoot and threaten either way. It's his overall game that aids every componant part.

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Here, let me try and show you, sort of:

o = puck, \ = blade angle looking at side, <-- direction of shot

High shot: o\  <--

Lower shot: o| or o/  <--

Good explanation!

Was messing around with this move last night and that may have been the reason it wasn't working too well...will be sure to remember your o/ <-- o| or o/ <-- when I'm playing tonight!

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