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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bo from Boston

Stealth for sale on EBAY

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wow whoever buys that stick is gonna have to be really tall to use it because bertuzzi is like 6'4 and its probly really stiff so it would be hard to cut down

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Why does he need tape that far down his stick? Is it just preferance i guess or what?

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Why does he need tape that far down his stick? Is it just preferance i guess or what?

100th Post

He has a superstition about seeing his own name on his stick so he tapes down that far to cover it up.

Just looked at the Stealth and his name is not covered up. Well, that's what he said in an interview about the superstition.

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When I got my stealths, the Gaborik had the same taper at the top of the handle, and tape was quite a ways down the shaft. I can't stand a lot of tape, I only have it about 3 inches down the shaft.

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Thats what I was thinking.

But damn its already up to $200. Its prices like that, that keep making me think I should put one of mine up and see how much I can really get for it.

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What Kind of curve is it and what lie does it have? I looked on the patern db and it isnt thier. Maybe it was a specail occasion curve or something?

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ok i could be wrong here but i thought that markus naslund used a vic stick. this guys website has an allegedly game used naslund nike quest stick.

am i wrong here?

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He tried it out for a couple games, seems he didnt like it, so now he uses a wooden stick painted to look like an apollo (last time i checked).

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Guys try all kinds of things you never see. I have got a Hahl Koho OPS, Forsberg tried Naslunds vics a while back, and Sakic has used a Koho K-Lite.

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All stealths that I have seen has the handle the same as the rest of the shaft. He probably just shaves a plug.

At Cyclone Taylor last year I saw some of his Responses and the shaft itself actually tapers down like a tapered shaft does, his taper was nearly 20 inches long at the top.

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