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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking for a suggestion b/w 2 gloves

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I know you're a huge supporter of LHS, and normally I am too, but I think an exception applies here for the following reasons:

1. I'm ordering a specific piece of equipment (not these gloves) that are discontinued and not found around me. So I'm just looking to throw in a couple of sale items into my basket to lower the per item shipping costs.

2. There are very, very few LHS around me. I couldn't even try on these gloves at my LHS if I wanted to because they carry neither gloves.

3. My LHS is probably way more expensive than yours. I'd say that on average there's a 15% difference between "suggested retail price" and the regular market rate for an item when it first comes out. Perhaps companies just inflate the MSRPs knowing that retailers will probably price a little below it to be competitive.

For example, when the Synthesis came out, the suggested price was like $175 and most online stores (megastores and mom & pop shops alike) were charging $150. My LHS, which makes a habit of going above and beyond the suggested retail

price, was charging $200.

Another case, I got my 8090 skates for $300, no sales tax, free international shipping, sharpening included, and a free hockey bag from Cyclone Taylor's. My LHS guy was charging $450. I mean, I'd like to help the guy out every now and then, but that's 50% more.

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Cause4alarm...you're supporting MY LHS. I am the store mgr for one of Summit's proshops and will take over the hockey buying in the summer/fall.

That is why I asked you what store this was from...because I have those gloves on my glove wall. The internet dept (Summit Online/Hockeydeals.com) pulls the stock from either the whse or one of our stores.


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Cause4alarm...you're supporting MY LHS. I am the store mgr for one of Summit's proshops and will take over the hockey buying in the summer/fall.

That is why I asked you what store this was from...because I have those gloves on my glove wall. The internet dept (Summit Online/Hockeydeals.com) pulls the stock from either the whse or one of our stores.


Hmm...was I just talking to you on the phone then?

Actually the guy I just spoke to told me:

1) he didn't have any 752s so he didn't know what they were like

2) he hasn't tried the Invisios but he said some of the coaches around there used them, and he said that they seemed like they'd be more durable due to their PU shells

Do you have any takes on these gloves?

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If you called CS, then you won't be talking to me.

The CCMs are wider around the hand. The Nikes are much tighter and has an adjustable cuff and air bladders.

Those CCMs feel funky out of the box...you have to work them in. The Nikes are...different looks-wise. But if you like them...hey...

My store has them in yellow/blk, blue/blk and red/black. Don't order the red/black ones as that is on my Red Wings mannequin, and that is the only red pair of gloves in my store, and we don't want to make the mannequin mad, would we?

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If you called CS, then you won't be talking to me.

The CCMs are wider around the hand. The Nikes are much tighter and has an adjustable cuff and air bladders.

Those CCMs feel funky out of the box...you have to work them in. The Nikes are...different looks-wise. But if you like them...hey...

My store has them in yellow/blk, blue/blk and red/black. Don't order the red/black ones as that is on my Red Wings mannequin, and that is the only red pair of gloves in my store, and we don't want to make the mannequin mad, would we?

I actually called the store (810 area code) to talk to someone.

Are the 752s like the other CCM _52s from that year? I tried on the 452s, 652s, and 852s and they weren't really doing it for me. I tried on the more recent 692s and thought those were a big improvement in feel.

And I'm not looking for Red Wings colors.

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You probably called the KVI store, which is our bigger proshop. My store is a 248.

No, that glove came out in 2002. It was part of the series that included the Radioactive pro-glo glove. In 2003 the x52 went back to being a traditional backroll glove.

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Do you know how they compare to the recent Itech gloves? Even though I'm wearing older Itechs now, I think the finger spacing on the new series are a bit too wide for me.

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i bought the nike quest 2's from summit sports. compared to my old eagle x46s they were much tighter fitting (which i prefer) and the ventilation on them is much better. they also have dri fit lining on some parts which helps the drying process out...no stink either!

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We've got a good setup over there. It is the first store that I have worked at that has an online presence. I am conducting my first product knowledge meeting with the staff on Saturday. Apparently nobody there has seen the ONE90s.

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I had the good fortune of trying on a pair of 13.5" Invisios last night. Not a shabby glove, especially for clearance price, but for me the fingers and the overall length of the glove felt a shade too long, so now I'm leaning towards the 752s.

Also checked out some of the Vapor line again. Those are all comfy, nice-fit gloves for me straight up and down the entire series.

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