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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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snowing in late march?!?!

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where i livee it is snowing, yet the other day it was really hot, and the thing is, that is normal around here!

does anyone else have any akward weather where they live?

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Jersey's had the weirdest weather this year. March 10-12 the weather was in the 70's. This week it's been upper 30's-40's

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The whole Northeast has been like this. I guess there was snow flurries the other day here in Southern CT,yet it was 70 last week.Yesterday it was 30,today it was in the high 50's.

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The late Feb. weather in Texas was weird. It went from 30 degrees and icy conditions to the 40s and raining to sunny and the low 80s in about two and a half days. This week there has been about 8 in. of rain and its in the low 50s, but its suppose to climb to the 70s or 80s later in the week.

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I live in nebraska, we got 5-6 inches of snow this winter and on the first day of spring we got dumpd with 17 inches in my area. Some areas got 28 inches! The next day it was 40 something and sunny so it's just a big sloppy mess right now.

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In Edmonton, a couple days ago we got like 25-30 CM of snow. It had been hot for like the prevous month before tha to.

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here cape breton nova scotia got 5cm last night then it went up to around 8 degrees in the morning then up to 11 degrees all the snow melted

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