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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rbk 8k Hockey skate question

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I recently bought a pair of 8k skates and I'm not sure if im liking the adjustment from Lightspeeds to the Pro E holder. The size skate i have is an 11.5 d and the size of the holder is a 304. On my vapors ive always skated on a 296 lightspeed and I asked a question earlier if they would need to drill new holes to install these and the answer was yes. So my next question is would it be possible to install the 296 lightspeeds on to the skate without the skate turning into swiss cheese or could the holes be easily drilled and the Lightspeeds put on? I know this probably isnt making to much sense but i guess in a nuttshell im asking if this would be a easy task for a LHS expert to do or if it would be pretty difficult and risky?

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I recently bought a pair of 8k skates and I'm not sure if im liking the adjustment from Lightspeeds to the Pro E holder. The size skate i have is an 11.5 d and the size of the holder is a 304. On my vapors ive always skated on a 296 lightspeed and I asked a question earlier if they would need to drill new holes to install these and the answer was yes. So my next question is would it be possible to install the 296 lightspeeds on to the skate without the skate turning into swiss cheese or could the holes be easily drilled and the Lightspeeds put on? I know this probably isnt making to much sense but i guess in a nuttshell im asking if this would be a easy task for a LHS expert to do or if it would be pretty difficult and risky?

Before you waste your time and get holder changed we need to know a few things.

First, how many times have you skated on the new skates? Are you sure the first sharpening was done correctly? Did you have a custome radius done? If so, to what specification? What is the "feel" you think you don't like?

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Ive skated on the new skates about 3 times, yes the first sharpening was done correctly, never had a custom radius done, and for feel i dont know i cant describe it. It's just that I'm used to the stiffness and feeling of the lightspeeds and also having the longer blade on the Pro E holder could be a factor.

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You gotta give it more time man. Give it a few more times and go to public skate or stick and puck and practice on them, it works wonders you wouldnt believe

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Ive skated on the new skates about 3 times, yes the first sharpening was done correctly, never had a custom radius done, and for feel i dont know i cant describe it. It's just that I'm used to the stiffness and feeling of the lightspeeds and also having the longer blade on the Pro E holder could be a factor.

First suggestion,have the skaters sharpened a few more times. From my experience, 99% of the time the first sharpening is not done correctly and the hollow is not consistent and this leads to skaters having problems, regardless of brand skate. Then, have a custome radius done. RBK radius is longer than LS, so it WILL feel different. The eholder is as stiff at the LS, so I don't think that's the issue.

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Yeah, i dont know if more of those sessions would help because its never taken my this long to transition to any holder i have used. And i know it doesnt sound like that much time 3 sessions but at least by the second time i had adjusted to it.

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How much does a custom radius run?

Price varies, but I would say anywhere from $15-30. Some folks who have been skating on Tuuks who switch to E holders have a transition problem that can be solved by shortening the CCM stock radius. That may do the trick for you as well.

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If your Rbk's are 11.5 and come with 304 holder

What size were the bauers you were skating in that came with the 296 holder?

I would first wonder if the rbk's are the correct size and then go from there. It doesn't make much sense that you are skating on a skate that fits 1/2 size smaller typically than bauer and it has a bigger holder on it.

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Since we are talking about Holder, my LS2 are pretty sweet right now and i think getting 5-10 hours is good out of every sharpening,

But is there really a holder that stand out of every other holder/steel on the market? beside the t'blades which is another concept??.

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Since we are talking about Holder, my LS2 are pretty sweet right now and i think getting 5-10 hours is good out of every sharpening,

But is there really a holder that stand out of every other holder/steel on the market? beside the t'blades which is another concept??.

The PITCH holder maybe?

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How much does a custom radius run?

Price varies, but I would say anywhere from $15-30. Some folks who have been skating on Tuuks who switch to E holders have a transition problem that can be solved by shortening the CCM stock radius. That may do the trick for you as well.

I believe the EPro has a stock radius of 10' and the Tuuk are 9'. I had to use my old Quests yesterday because I have them in the car, and I forgot to pack my vectors for my son's practice. I think I'll have the Epro set to a 9' now.

EPro are definitely stiffer IMO.

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It's definitely the length of the blade. I went through the same thing switching from Bauers to CCM's. I went from a 263mm to a 272mm length blade and it gives you a totally different on ice feel. It toke me a while to adjust to the longer blades because you don't corner as quickly and the transition from forwards to backwards skating and back again is slightly slower. It toke me some time to adjust but you eventually do. Give it a little time and if you can't adjust, try recontouring your blade, it's probably cheaper than putting Lightspeeds on your new skates. Only should cost about 20 to 30 dollars. :)

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