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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

Graf G5 skates

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OK, first off we do need to get the search feature fixed so we can look for words that are 3 letters or less (so, would have searched, but G5 isn't long enough).

Frequent posters have probably noticed that I am on an apparently never ending quest to find skates to fit my feet. I have a 9d tack skate that fits well in the ankle, but the toe box isn't wide enough.

Someone told me that the G5 has a wide forefoot area and narrow ankle. Can anyone comment on what these fit like? Trying to get something quite wide in the toe box area without sacrificing ankle area (i.e., don't need a wide ankle - just wide toe box).

Would the G5 be what I might be looking for?

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the G5 does not have a narrow ankle. The G3 does. If you want, you can order the G3 from Graf with a wider toebox. I'm not too familiar with your skate saga, but have you tried the V12/Flexlite 12? Those skates have wide-ass toeboxes and are fairly forgiving, fit-wise. I have duck feet(skinny ankles/wide forefoot), I have G3's and Goaler Pro's(narrow boots) that I stretched the hell out of in the front. Are your feet wide in the actual plastic toebox area or just in the forefoot area(just behind the toes)? Depending on your ankle/heel size, you might just have to stretch a narrower boot or in Graf you could find out what fits your heel and order them with wider toeboxes.

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the G5 does not have a narrow ankle. The G3 does. If you want, you can order the G3 from Graf with a wider toebox. I'm not too familiar with your skate saga, but have you tried the V12/Flexlite 12? Those skates have wide-ass toeboxes and are fairly forgiving, fit-wise.  I have duck feet(skinny ankles/wide forefoot), I have G3's and Goaler Pro's(narrow boots) that I stretched the hell out of in the front.  Are your feet wide in the actual plastic toebox area or just in the forefoot area(just behind the toes)? Depending on your ankle/heel size, you might just have to stretch a narrower boot or in Graf you could find out what fits your heel and order them with wider toeboxes.

In the actual plastic area of the toe box is where I need room.

Try this page. You might be looking for the G35/735 with Tblades/ 735 with cobra blades <----This one looks sweet.  

Thanks, Sticks of Fury - I'll be sure to check that page out.

What is the height/type of instep, that you have

I'm not sure how I'd go about quantifying such a thing.

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Quantify what?

Look at your instep, is it low, medium or high. If your having a hard time deciding what it is, have someone take a picture of it and post it here.

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Ahhh... gotcha. For some reason, I thought you were looking for some sort of quantification. It's low (see pix below)

Side view: Pictures of instep -




Above: Pictures of toe area -




(by the way, I have begun to appreciate that I will NEVER be asked to be a foot model - unless it's in some perverse before picture.... ;-) )

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You have a very low arch (non existant)

Have you laced up a pair of G5's on your feet? Have you laced up a pair of G3's on your feet.

If you have a concern with your heels being snug see which one feels better. Keep in mind g3 have narrower heel than a g5, but you have to see which one laces up better through your instep.(laces parallel all the way up)

Also keep in mind the g35 has the narrow heel of a g3 but the volume fit of a g5 through the instep. ( THis could be your solution if you can figure your width out.

Have you tried a wide graf on for width to see if it is okay.

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No, that's the problem. Not a wide variety of stores to try skates on here in Dallas. Most carry limited stock so finding something in my size is difficult (places don't seem to want to carry skates in the wide model).

I may have to see what on-line stores have friendly return policies and try that way.

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Hi Ogie,

I have some discussion with you before and finally saw pictures of your foot. You got some big toe.

I just got the 8090 and please don't go to it because the toe box is too small for you.

Trust me, Nike is the only choice for you to get comfortable toe box. Nike V-12 or Pro stock or the Flexlite series.

Hockey Monkey has some cheap Nike V pro stock. Check them out.

But then, you have the flat foot problem to solve too........... :unsure:

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They Synnergy had a nice, roomy toe box too, but I returned it for reasons I mentioned elsewhere; maybe I'll wait for the 1500. But, I'll check out hockey monkey today and see what their return policy is.

Thanks for everyone's input.

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Guest Muck


PM this user before you go through Hockey Monkey, his name is Paul. Username for MSH is pjf. He's great.

JR B or Chadd might have some input or be able to accomodate as well.

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As far as getting a wide toe box the NIKE flexlite range is a good bet, a very 'boxy' toe in an EE.

As far as dealing with your arches (or lack thereof) have you tried orthotics? Perhaps give the Shock Doctor Ultra Arch-Adjust Insole a whirl.

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Oddly, I've never had a problem with the arches hurting, with exception to the S500's I tried for a while (and I used heel lifts under the footbed to get over that). However, I've been a Tack guy for most of my life and their arches have never been an issue.

But, I can always cut the footbed part out near the arch too to get a little relief should it be a problem.

It's really the toe box that has been bothersome. I don't know whether the bone spurs on my big toe are getting bigger (ok, they're not really bone spurs - doc had some technical name for them - but it's close enough for our purposes) or if my tolerance is getting lower. I've been in my Tacks for quite a few years and they've only bothered me over the last year or so is probably growing in some fashion (or, just getting fatter like everything else on my body).

As for molding to your feet, I've never seen a customizer in action so don't know if they customize that portion or not. Typically, something like Kor might work (but their stock box is too narrow). Word is that they will be offering custom come August so I could always go back to Kors with just a big-assed toe box.

The Synnergy I tried for fit was decent too. I got the E width and the ankle had a slit hint of slop. I think if I were to go to the 1500 I could mold the ankle area a bit (similar to Kor) and am thinking that'd work nicely, but am leary that the price might be outrageous.

I may contact Hockey Monkey and see if I could have one of their Flexlites or VPro sent for me to try on for size. However, if I go to the E width (which I presume I'll need) won't the ankle be huge?

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Doesn't appear that they list them that way. However, not sure Hockey Monkey is the way to go. If returned, they require a 15% restocking fee. I'll need to find someplace that sells them that you can return them if you don't like them/don't fit at no extra cost (perhaps shipping, of course).

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