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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick pro curve question

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does anyone have a pic of the pro kovalev and jagr pattern? im going wild with wood blades and want to make a couple like those.

btw I never knew on kovalevs tape job he razor bladed the bottom off....weird

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Alexander Khavanov also razor blades off the bottom after taping and waxing.

I was wondering wouldn't it be better to wax the bottom of the taped blade ? less friction ?

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thnx mike, hey tell me if grafs are good....all i want are curve pics, holy sh*t boys, hossa tapes his stick like he plays roller hockey, so what, i want curve pics

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hwy thanks guys, im on the second page of the forum, im done. you ever tried searchign for a curve? i found a kovalev look aliek and saw the jagr, but want the exact kovalev. anyhow

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