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Hockey shop in china

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China has a population of more then 1,300,000,000.

Almost every hockey brand had product marked with "Made in China"

But, you cannot buy any CCM, Bauer, Mission, Easton or anything else here, in china.

More and more people start to play hockey in china, but the only way we can get equipments is online shop.

Equipment is expensive for us, for my favorite sport, I will carry on.

If I spend all my salary of a whole month for a pair of $200 skates, I can tell myself it's no big deal for my favorite sports. But after I ordered those skates via the internet, I still have to pay for the shipment, maybe equal the skates cost or even more, that, is really killing me.

Why these companis do not sell equipment in China, where they made it?

It will be a huge market here.

Nike and Adidas are very good examples. Every teenage here wants to wear Nike, Adidas, RBK, in spite of the price is really high.(imaging you earn 1000 and you must pay 200 for a T-shirt)

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i just don't think there is enough demand for hockey stores in china. Like you say, there's more and more people starting to play, signifying that it is a relatively small sport still in china. Plus i bet a lot of the manufactured products goes into warranty replacement :P

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Well, I guess there's two reasons for that. Interest and facilities available. Both are related in a way. I'm from Hong Kong and the most hockey you ever get there is maybe one game a week on ESPN. Compared to racquet sports, Basketball, and Soccer, Hockey isn't even on the radar over there. Outdoor courts and artificial turfs in Hong Kong easily outnumber the number of rinks hockey can be actually played in. But I've seen on a few chinese shows over the years that try to promote hockey (ice and roller). The game over there will definately get bigger but I don't see it ever being as big as the other sports I mentioned. Besides, the people of Hong Kong usually take the MTR and the bus to get everywhere. They all live in flats where space is limited too. Compared to North American culture where most of us have cars and houses to transport ourselves and our gear to and from the rink and to store our gear at our homes.

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That's frustrating as hell.

I remember a teammate of mine making fun of my Gear OPS (he's got like 6 Easton Synthesi), but for all we know all of these sticks come from the same factory in China.

Although I was only there for a week, I got the feeling that ice hockey was practically non-existent in China. When I was in HK, I got all excited when I saw a stick figure picture of a hockey player painted on an arena wall. It turned out to be a field hockey field, not an ice rink.

Who else here is representing hockey out in the East?

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Plus i bet a lot of the manufactured products goes into warranty replacement :P

totally :rolleyes: :P

hockey is starting to pick up as a sport in china from what i've heard. i was watching a special on CBC where these atom teams from china (Harbin, i think) came to canada to play for the bell cup. now that china's economy is picking up and people are starting to have enough money for hobbies, you will definately see more and more hockey players especially in the colder parts of china. there's no reason why the manufacturers shouldn't invest into a market of 1.3 billion, and it can be an online store that's based in china.

on one atom team that i saw, all the kids were wearing no name gloves, skates and helmets, except for one kid who had a shiny new bauer 8000 lol

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Philippines has 2 mall ice rinks...mainly used by figure skaters...rec skaters almost everyday... no contact ice hockey during weekends. We will be opening up our first official size ice rink in May, hopefully draw a lot of attention and competition from Asia. About the equipment and where we get it...well, you have to 3 options, settle for the small figure and hockey shop near the rink or ask around and lastly order from U.S. Thank God for those balikbayan box... $25 for a large box...shipping included(you have to wait for a month though, but it's ok).

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no relatives/friends in the usa/canada? might be better if they ship it to you.

may be you can do some investigation and find out where the factory is, give them a call and see if you buy it right off the factory line.

the only thing that might not be made in china might be skates?

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Hong Kong here. I used to carry my gear on the MTR...during rush hour too for evening games. You'd be surprised how much room people will make for you :D

As far as I know, there's 1 roller hockey rink at the YMCA in Kowloon and 1 ice rink where we can play in Shamshuipo. Unfortunately, it's a small one and we can only play 4 on 4, but hey, it's better than nothing. Rumor has it that there will be 2 more full-sized rinks opening at the end of the year where we can play hockey.

The selection of hockey gear is dismal as well as overpriced. We are subject to whatever the 1 LHS at the rink brings in, usually at a 10-25+% mark-up. That or we rely on people coming from N.America coming in to town to bring us stuff. Online ordering isn't really an option either, as the shipping will almost equal the cost of the product as stated by the 1st poster.

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anybody know if there are rinks in taiwan? i'm going to be going there for a couple of months, and was thinkin maybe i'll take my skates with me and practice when i can

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man..think of a hockey bag on the MTR.....full of people

Dirty looks at the entire team last time we hopped onto the MTR with hockey and stick bags in Hong Kong.

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Another hand up here! Hockey in Singapore is pretty much stagnant, and most of the guys here order online (my team does anyways)...

i'll be moving to Perth Australia next week, and they have a bigger hockey community there...

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man..think of a hockey bag on the MTR.....full of people

Dirty looks at the entire team last time we hopped onto the MTR with hockey and stick bags in Hong Kong.

Well, how did you guys smell?

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I'm sure you'll be able to get some "extra" equipment in china directly from the factories if you have the right connections. I've seen it in Thailand, the proshop had some cheap pants and stuff. Even in HK with the Rebellion sticks. :) Saves us ppl here in asia some $.

Hopefully the rinks in HK and Phillippines will be ready soon. I'm waiting to go over for some tournaments. There's supposed to be 1 or 2 olympic sized rink coming up in Singapore but i'll only believe it when I see it! In the mean time, we are stuck with our relatively small rink.

Taiwan has a nice olympic sized rink! We went there for a tournament in Dec. Best rink i've played in Asia so far! It's located in a Convention center but I can't remember the name.

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Thanks for all the input.

I live in Kunming city, southwest china, my city is also called the city of spring, every season here is just like spring. No ice or snow at all, but luckily, there is a olympic sized rink about 40 minutes from my home. We play twice a week, 2 hours each. One of my teamates give me a ride to the rink and back home, if no one do that, I have to take a bus, of course with that big bag. That's no big deal, it's just about spend some time. But w/o equipment, you cannot play at all, that's the problem. Even some player in national team uses Jofa 4020 woodies because there is nothing else to buy.

If you are lucky and find something in china, I doubt are you going to buy some. Two of my teammates went to Hong Kong couple weeks ago for a tournament, they bought some Easton synergy 200 skate at 1000 RMB/pair, about $125. I also found someone sale hockey gears on taobao.com (a chinese website just like ebay) couple days ago, but I think he is robbing.

He asked 3180 RMB for Bauer Supreme 6000(about $400), Bauer 2000 Senior Hockey Shoulder Pads are askd for 880 RMB (110 bucks).

asdfa: a online shop based in china is a very good idea, and is definitely what I'm thinking about, I'll build such a site by myself, but it leads to the problem again, where to buy or wholesale. If some equipments is made here, shipped to north america and then, you wholesale them from north america shipped them back to china, the price will kill not only you, also your shop and even the sport.

Duder84: There is a rink in Taibei(or Taipei) city, Taiwan.I heard it's very good.

I donot know the english name of the rink, but translated from chinese, the rink might be called Giant Egg :P

Sghockey21: are you talking about the rebellion dangerous white? Those stick sucks in durable.

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anybody know if there are rinks in taiwan? i'm going to be going there for a couple of months, and was thinkin maybe i'll take my skates with me and practice when i can

Hockey - both Ice and Inline - are huge in Taiwan. I recommend you sending a PM to monoclub who is the top guy for Taiwan. Tell him I said hi and pointed you in his direction. Sticks of Fury is another good guy from Taiwan. Happy playing.

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man..think of a hockey bag on the MTR.....full of people

Dirty looks at the entire team last time we hopped onto the MTR with hockey and stick bags in Hong Kong.

Well, how did you guys smell?

Exceptional! :D

We were on the way to the rink for our first game that day. After the MTR experience, we decided to leave our bags and sticks in the rink rather than transport them back and forth with us.

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Would someone like to volunteer to organize a MSH hockey tourney in Asia? Any estimates as to how much something like that would cost?

Heck, I'd volunteer, but it would depend on who would commit to flying into the Philippines. There are so many countries that have hockey in Asia - Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Dubai, etc., etc.

The costs would vary depending on where everyone agreed to go. Costs involved would be airfare, hotel, team registration fee, then pocket money which should cover the food and the enormous amounts of alcohol consumed at night after games. :D

If anyone flies down to Manila, let me know. We'll show yah a great time!

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Duder84: There is a rink in Taibei(or Taipei) city, Taiwan.I heard it's very good.

I donot know the english name of the rink, but translated from chinese, the rink might be called Giant Egg :P

Hox, I read an article that said the same thing. The English translation of the Taiwan rink is the "Giant Egg/s" because the structures themselves look like gigantic eggs. Haha!

The inline rink in Hong Kong is in the YMCA. The ice rink is in the Dragon Center in Sham Shui Po.

The inline rink in Singapore is the Millenium court in East Coast Parkway.

The inline rink in the Philippines is still being worked on, details to follow. Hockeyblood already mentioned the 2 ice rinks being in malls - Southmall and Megamall.

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Seeing as how China is doing so well in international figure skating, where do those skaters practice? They must practice on a regulation size hockey rink. In my building(right outside metro NYC), the Asian population loves to ice skate; hockey, figure, and recreational. I keep warning the hockey coaches that someday these Asian hockey players are going to kick our butts!

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