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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Recchi curve pattern

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Does anyone have a good pic of this pattern??? What other palyers patterns is it simallar to??

Any help would be much appreciated.


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PPL keep saying Lindros is close to the Recchi. have a XX OPS in the lindros pattern (says Lindros on the shaft) and it looks more like a Drury curve than a recchi? :blink:

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PPL keep saying Lindros is close to the Recchi. have a XX OPS in the lindros pattern (says Lindros on the shaft) and it looks more like a Drury curve than a recchi? :blink:

His pro curve is between a Modano and a Drury, the retail is a big mid curve with no loft.

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I'm holding up my RBK Amonte next my retail Recchi and they look practically identical.

same lie

same blade length (Recchi is a hair longer)

almost same toe shape (Amonte is more square and Recchi is a very squarish round)

if there is any difference in the openness, Recchi is a very slight bit more (although Chadd is right in saying that there is practically no loft--both are straight-faced)

and if I had to pick out one last difference, I'd say that the Amonte is a slightly more gentle mid curve while the Recchi curve starts just a bit closer to the heel and straightens out a bit more towards the toe

But all of these differences are incredibly minute, and you probably wouldn't notice unless you held the sticks front-to-back like I am. Both are lie 6, moderate mid-curves with straight faces. With all due respect to the other helpful posts here, I think the Amonte is far and away closer than any other pattern previously listed on this thread.

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Have both the Amonte and Recchi curves in my basement, look slightly alike but theres a huge difference in playabillity.

Amonte = TS4 curve = Thornton

You have much less of a hook with the recchi, which is a 5 Lie btw, and more control on all shots.

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