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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK helmet repair..

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So I have had it since last spring and now some of the pads at the base of the skull are shifting as if the glue has broken down from my sweat. Is there some special glue i should be using? because I have crazy glue, but that stuff can damage styrofoams or make the pads really hard which is what im worried about.

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Gorilla Glue


watch out for that shit man! it's no joke and don't put it on wrong or there is no way in hell your moving it. but i'm sure there is a kind of glue that you should be using. i wouldn't just put any glue on and have a chance of having it get in your eyes during a game. you should just bring it to your LHS for repairs.

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I just used a hot craft glue gun for mine.

That works great.. its also the same stuff I use on my blades with my shafts.

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Hot glue didn't work for me. It would stick for a while and the whole thing would fall out again. I used Liquid Nails and it's worked fine...doesn't matter as long as you use silicone based glue. Someone told me that and haven't had problems at all.

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my LHS did it for me with some hot melt....they had to clean the gunk off first. Its like my sweat dissolved the glue and its was all gooey. so far its holding up and it feels solid albeit it has been only 1 game.

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my LHS did it for me with some hot melt....they had to clean the gunk off first. Its like my sweat dissolved the glue and its was all gooey. so far its holding up and it feels solid albeit it has been only 1 game.

thats exactly what happened to my bauer 5000 after a while so i'm just using it as an excuse to get an rbk, never liked the 5000 to begin with...

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