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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cutting a True one stick

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I did a search and found nothing so if this has been a thread prior, sorry. I finally broke my True 1 last night and want to know if I can cut it down and use as a shaft and blade combo. If so, please tell me how to do it.

Thanks in advane

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Thanks Bad Kitty. Do you think I would be best off to have my LHS do it?

I dont know if they will... its too much of a risk.

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Thanks Bad Kitty. Do you think I would be best off to have my LHS do it?

I dont know if they will... its too much of a risk.

I agree with BK - doubt any shop would do it bc if they ruin your shaft.... besides, you're likely to spend more by buying a new one. Also, don't you think they should charge you for the service of cutting the OPS, hollowing it out, and fitting it properly for a tapered blade? There was a topic about this a while back questioning whether this kind of service could take off or not, but I digress.

I seriously, seriously doubt any LHS would convert an ops with a broken blade for you (unless their solution was merely to flip it and put a standard blade in the handle end).

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Thanks Bad Kitty. Do you think I would be best off to have my LHS do it?

I dont know if they will... its too much of a risk.

I agree with BK - doubt any shop would do it bc if they ruin your shaft.... besides, you're likely to spend more by buying a new one. Also, don't you think they should charge you for the service of cutting the OPS, hollowing it out, and fitting it properly for a tapered blade? There was a topic about this a while back questioning whether this kind of service could take off or not, but I digress.

I seriously, seriously doubt any LHS would convert an ops with a broken blade for you (unless their solution was merely to flip it and put a standard blade in the handle end).

And honestly.. I doubt they would do it.

As for the flipping it, I dont really recommend it either. I did it with an old synergy I had and I HATED it... felt weird and very blade heavy.

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We are told to tell people to flip it over and use the butt end at my shop. The tapered thing is "too risky and could have a possibility of an angry customer". Plus you never know you could get sued, I mean hey if some stupid lady can spill coffee on herself....

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All good points, thank you. I would have no problem paying for the service of someone doing it as long as they know what their doing. I also wouldnt expect someone to gaurntee the work. I mean its a chop job. So with that said, would you suggest I just scrap the shaft and get a new stick. I would at least try it but dont have the tools and I dont know where to cut it. I have seen that people sell these shaft from OPS on ebay alot.

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I seriously, seriously doubt any LHS would convert an ops with a broken blade for you (unless their solution was merely to flip it and put a standard blade in the handle end).

BS. Been doing it for years.

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I seriously, seriously doubt any LHS would convert an ops with a broken blade for you (unless their solution was merely to flip it and put a standard blade in the handle end).

BS. Been doing it for years.

Exactly my thoughts. I don't know a LHS who wouldn't do it for you, and most have at least one person who can cut straight and work it so that they can give you a quality job mounting the new blade.

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I seriously, seriously doubt any LHS would convert an ops with a broken blade for you (unless their solution was merely to flip it and put a standard blade in the handle end).

BS. Been doing it for years.

Exactly my thoughts. I don't know a LHS who wouldn't do it for you, and most have at least one person who can cut straight and work it so that they can give you a quality job mounting the new blade.

my bro got it done for free, but then agian he bought a blade too. at my LHS i can get my new sticks cut for free

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