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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I was watching sports centre last night when they showed havlat skating around during practice, I've noticed he had some cool looking new skates. I know he has been a long time user of Vapor 10 skates. Could this be a new VAPOR skate, maybe something that will top the Vapor XXX's ? If anyone has any info that would be awesome.


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Those are definetly not one90's, I had a better look on TV and there is not a chance those are one90's....but then again I might be wrong.

By the way is the Vapor line done ?

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It's a bit surprising to see Havlat in the one90s. You'd think that he'd want a heavier skate, perhaps with a steel toe to make his groin kicks a little more lethal. I guess that he's going with the theory that lighter skate=higher kick velocity=more damage. He must know what he's doing though, nobody delivers a better boot than marty.

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By the way, I think Marty Havlat is a pathetic disgrace...just in case that didn't come across clearly in my previous post.

Some have said similar things about certain players on your favorite team, not that I disagree with you about the whole kicking thing.

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By the way, I think Marty Havlat is a pathetic disgrace...just in case that didn't come across clearly in my previous post.

I assume you are a Canuck fan ? If so you shall not speak about dirty players when you have the dirtiest one of them all on your team.

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By the way, I think Marty Havlat is a pathetic disgrace...just in case that didn't come across clearly in my previous post.

Yeah I am pretty sure Havlat ended the guys career with that kick lol. That dumbass from Boston had it coming, no worries Havlat will learn and the hes going to be one of the top 2 way players in the league fo shizzzi.

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By the way, I think Marty Havlat is a pathetic disgrace...just in case that didn't come across clearly in my previous post.

I assume you are a Canuck fan ? If so you shall not speak about dirty players when you have the dirtiest one of them all on your team.

Because I'm a Canuck fan I can't dislike players on other teams? Last time I looked into it...yes I can. I'm going to assume you're talking about Bertuzzi? Well if it's any consolation, I don't like him very much either. Now am I allowed to think Havlat is a kicking, whining girl?

By the way, you have a very poor outlook if you think the dirtiest player in the NHL plays for Vancouver. Bertuzzi is a worthless, floating bum who threw one massive cheap shot with awful results. There are guys who throw dirty cheap shots on a regular basis, all of which I would consider to be dirtier players. If anything, part of the reason Bertuzzi has been such a disappointment this year is because he's played such a clean, gutless style of hockey.

Oh by the way, I STILL think Havlat is a disgrace. I don't care if his kicks don't injure or cripple people, they're still despicable. To say someone has a kick in the groin coming while playing hockey is just retarded. Do guys also have spit in the face coming? And when is Havlat going to learn? Was that kick #2 or #3?

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in 20 years there will be the NBH Vapor M :lol:


Yeah the Vapor M skates will be 300 grams! And the Vapor M Lite will be a whopping 50 grams, yet if you take a sledgehammer to it, it won't break!

It just goes to show you that what would be considered almost TOO light today will be considered a brick in a manner of years.

What I dont understand is what the purpose of this thread if we have already clarified that Havlat has One90's?

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The thread was originally started because the poster did not think they were One90s. It stays incase anyone comes across something similar, they can either add to it, or get the information from it.

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in 20 years there will be the NBH Vapor M :lol:


Yeah the Vapor M skates will be 300 grams! And the Vapor M Lite will be a whopping 50 grams, yet if you take a sledgehammer to it, it won't break!

It just goes to show you that what would be considered almost TOO light today will be considered a brick in a manner of years.

What I dont understand is what the purpose of this thread if we have already clarified that Havlat has One90's?


just wait till the MM Stick Um Lite comes out

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