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Bauer Vapor skate sizing

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I wear a size 9 shoe & sneaker. I ordered a pair of 7.5D XXX's, and when trying them on, they feel a bit too big. Is it just me being used to my G3's, or should I have gone a half size smaller? My G3's are 7.5R.

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I just picked up a pair of xxx and I too wear a size nine shoe and sneaker. Size 7.5D fits me perfectly, but ever foot is different. Actually I found the XXX a far better fit than what I had been using previous (8090's).

So do you find them to be too long, wide or both?

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I was just recently fitted for Vapors and my street shoe size is 9... Vapor size 7 for me.

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YOu have to be careful, becuase in street shoes, you usually dont wear them "snug", so that throws off your skate size

plus shoes tend to vary in size between brands, just like skates do

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I think the vapors fit a bit smaller... I wear a 10 shoe and am a 7.5 Vapor XX.. I tried on a pair of 8090's (7.5) and they were too small...

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I think the vapors fit a bit smaller... I wear a 10 shoe and am a 7.5 Vapor XX.. I tried on a pair of 8090's (7.5) and they were too small...

Theones I tried were the opposite. A 10EE vapor was very very tight and a 10D 8090 was comfy and maybe even a bit too roomy.

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It all depends on the shape of your feet and what you consider comfortable. One guy may love a particular model and the next guy will absolutely dispise them. With me its still CCM or Easton but I'm finding a niche for my new Mission L-7's. I still feel more comfortable in my old faithful brands though.

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I found out the hard way when you buy online you shouldn't assume all skates fit the same. I had a pair of Graf G5's 8D that fit me perfectly, they had started to break down in a few places and I decided it was time for a new pair.

Browsing on e-bay found a pair of 8090's new at a great price in what i had thought would be the corret size for me an 8D. Never once thinking that i should have gone to a few stores to try them on and size to my feet properly.

Well when they arrived a week later, I was shocked at the difference in length and width they had over the Graf's!! I only wish that i knew about this site a bit earlier, would have saved myself some $$$$$. I tried everything to make them fit snug ( two pairs of insoles and a pair of thick sweat socks) but I was still swimming in these skates arrggghhhh!!

After two weeks of skating like I was wearing snow shows and a forest of blisters on my feet, I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy a pair of properly fitted Vapor XXX. Paid a bit of a premium for but worth every penny.

Needless to say I ended up buying a size 7.5D that fit me perfectly.

Lessons learned of a hockey junky!!


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Update, exchanged the 7.5 for a pair of 7.0

The fit is awesome feet are just feathering the toe cap. Gonna use them tommorrow. A guy at my lhs said the XXX's fit bigger than the XX's. Is this true?

I thought the skates were almost identical other than the improvements that JR previously listed. In every other brand I tried (Graf, Easton, Bauer Supreme 5000) I wore a 7.5D. Weird, I wear a size 9 shoe. The dummy who heated my skates up put them in the oven for like 5 or 6 minutes. Will this greatly affect the durability? I hope not. Anybody know if the ccm fit machine is any good?

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Ah, what does the ccm fit machine do exactly?

Basically it uses air bags to form the skate around your foot. You shouldn't need to use the machine if you are baking your skates.

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at one shop I went to, they used the air bag thing on my feet after the bake,, I think its a waste of time and money to use that.. I say get a good bake, tie up your skates the way you would in a game, and you should be fine.

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