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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recommendation base layer long pant.

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As I'm getting older, my legs seem to be getting tighter sooner during games. :( A friend who is an avid runner suggested a long compression pant that he uses for jogging in the winter which apparently helps his legs stay warm and loose. Similar to what the NBA pro's are starting to wear ( Kobe ).

Any suggestions on something similar with wicking properties?

I've only been able to come up with Under Armour and Nike.


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you can try a pair of oxysox. they'll do the same thing compression pants do on your legs.

for a base layer pant i recommend Puckskin

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A lot of people that I play with use the under armour pants. They are the same material as their heat gear shirts. Im pretty sure that Itech makes pants as well.

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I play with oxy socks and the nike hockey base layer. I like it a lot. It has a grippy material on it to prevent your pads from moving, and its dri fit to keep you cool

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I'm trying to find a pair of the Puckskin hockey underwear, as I've heard good things about them. I'd like to buy some to wear for this weekend's game and I'm having trouble locating a hockey shop in the states that I can contact to order a pair. If anyone knows one, please PM me.

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The compression stuff on the market isn't going to do anything to prevent injuries. You just have to start stretching more.

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As I'm getting older, my legs seem to be getting tighter sooner during games. :( A friend who is an avid runner suggested a long compression pant that he uses for jogging in the winter which apparently helps his legs stay warm and loose. Similar to what the NBA pro's are starting to wear ( Kobe ).

Any suggestions on something similar with wicking properties?

I've only been able to come up with Under Armour and Nike.


Lebron James wore them first. other players followed...

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As I'm getting older, my legs seem to be getting tighter sooner during games.  :(  A friend who is an avid runner suggested a long compression pant that he uses for jogging in the winter which apparently helps his legs stay warm and loose.  Similar to what the NBA pro's are starting to wear ( Kobe ).

Any suggestions on something similar with wicking properties?

I've only been able to come up with Under Armour and Nike.


Lebron James wore them first. other players followed...

And they look like ass. They will be banned by next season in the NBA.

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For base layers, the Puckskin is awesome. It wicks moisture like no other, heck it comes out of the washer almost dry, you don't even need to run it thru the dryer.

I personally find it more comfortable than U/A, WSI, and others. Plus the antibacterial/odor removing capabilities are way better than the chemically treated ones. Pricey, but well worth it.

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As I'm getting older, my legs seem to be getting tighter sooner during games.  :(  A friend who is an avid runner suggested a long compression pant that he uses for jogging in the winter which apparently helps his legs stay warm and loose.  Similar to what the NBA pro's are starting to wear ( Kobe ).

Any suggestions on something similar with wicking properties?

I've only been able to come up with Under Armour and Nike.


Lebron James wore them first. other players followed...

And they look like ass. They will be banned by next season in the NBA.

i don't know if you saw that, but here


that's the first i heard of it.

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After the first game LeBron wore them the fact the NBA was going to ban them has been floating around. Having some friends of the family in that sport doesn't hurt either.

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