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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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You can buy this paint at Home Depot or any hardware store. It's called deck grit or something -- used to make decks safe to walk on when wet. They also use it on rock climbing walls.

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Heads up.. my friend used that paint and it tore the hell out of his gloves.. It also sticks to clothing and rips it up a bit..(jersys etc). IMO its too abrasive.

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I can't find anything on the web about that paint, but you can also just use normal paint mixed with sand.. same thing. - edit - normal meaning some kind of hardening paint that won't easily flake off.

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What happens when this stuff chips off your stick blade and is now all over the ice? I don't think I want to skate over a chip of this stuff for obvious reasons. Idea = practical, reality = not so practical.

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I gave a similar product a shot a while back just to see what it was like. Hard to work with and didn't notice any gains in performance. Basically like using the older "grit" '02 Synergy without tape.

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To me, the way you guys describe this paint is it's a little like skateboard grip-tape. So you could go buy some, wrap it around the blade and see how that works...I'm not sure that it'd work too well though.

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What happens when this stuff chips off your stick blade and is now all over the ice? I don't think I want to skate over a chip of this stuff for obvious reasons. Idea = practical, reality = not so practical.

Good point. Fu*&ed up my knee once when I jumped on the ice and put my skate directly onto a band-aid someone had discarded.

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What happens when this stuff chips off your stick blade and is now all over the ice? I don't think I want to skate over a chip of this stuff for obvious reasons. Idea = practical, reality = not so practical.

Hasn't really slowed the SL sales too much. I don't remember the pain chipping off my blade with this. I'm trying to remember the name of the product, HogTape, or something along those lines.

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What happens when this stuff chips off your stick blade and is now all over the ice? I don't think I want to skate over a chip of this stuff for obvious reasons. Idea = practical, reality = not so practical.

Hasn't really slowed the SL sales too much. I don't remember the pain chipping off my blade with this. I'm trying to remember the name of the product, HogTape, or something along those lines.

I was thinking of the grit/sand in the chip being on the ice. That will cause instant fall to the ice. Old saying: It wasn't the fall that killed him, it was the landing.

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