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Convert mp4 tp mp3?

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Is it possible to easily convert a song I downloaded from Limewire that is in mp4 format into mp3?

The songs will play in iTunes no problem but won't in Winamp with the rest of my music.


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DBPowerAmp will convert mp4 to mp3. I believe there's also a plugin that will let Winamp play mp4's, but I don't know which as I don't use Winamp. ;)

iTunes files (.m4a?) can be converted to mp3's (using jhymn) if you bought them with iTunes 5. If you used iTunes 6 you'll have to use the burn->rip method.

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really you should be using the AAC format for iPods takes up less space

i suggest using the AAC instead

cinvert in iTunes right click on the song and got to convert to AAC

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Nice!! Is there anything to take it from the iPod and put it on the computer? I got songs from my friend, I downloaded somehting so that I can play the music on my compuer as long it was plugged in but I want something so it's on the computer w/o the ipod being connected.

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i dont think you can

i wanted to do it when i wanted to back up my iPod but myabe some here knows how

Sure you can. At least using a Windows computer (I don't have a Mac). The iPod shows up as a disk drive; once it's connected, just open My Computer and you can drag and drop the songs from the iPod to your hard drive.

This kind of sucks, though, because the files are in random folders and have random names, so you need something like MP3Library to go through and auto-rename them.

Or you can use a program to do it; I've used one called iPodder, but I believe there are several out there. They do the auto-rename for you, but IME aren't as reliable as they could be (sometimes they seem to "miss" songs).

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