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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sherwood eclipse at thehockeyshop.com

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I was on thehockeyshop.com looking at their ops i noticed they had sherwood eclipses and were charging more money for one of them than a response xn10 or a si core grip. The other part that gets me is they only offer two patterns and the stick sounds heavy to me at 525g

whats with all the madness ?

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Guest Datsyuk*13

I dont know about the weight but at hockey giant they are 99 bucks. thats canadian but still doesnt come out to 229 i dont think.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

EDIT- Are you sure that is right man? Do you have the link?

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99 canadian? that comes out to like 65-75 dollars us. 99 us comes out to around  160-170 i think, thats insane price. and that is heavy.

99.00 USD 135.623 CAD

United States Dollars = Canada Dollars

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99 canadian? that comes out to like 65-75 dollars us. 99 us comes out to around  160-170 i think, thats insane price. and that is heavy.

99.00 USD 135.623 CAD

United States Dollars = Canada Dollars

man i gotta watch the market more thanks for that gotta remember that stampeder

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Guest Datsyuk*13
I was on thehockeyshop.com looking at their ops i noticed they had sherwood eclipses and were charging more money for one of them than a response xn10 or a si core grip. The other part that gets me is they only offer two patterns and the stick sounds heavy to me at 525g

whats with all the madness ?

Do you have the link?

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Guest LEAFS12

I have a friend with an Axion Blade(which is in the Eclipse)..he said that it is amazing.

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I was on thehockeyshop.com looking at their ops i noticed they had sherwood eclipses and were charging more money for one of them than a response xn10 or a si core grip. The other part that gets me is they only offer two patterns and the stick sounds heavy to me at 525g

whats with all the madness ?

Do you have the link?


He said it was from the hockeyshop. It's not difficult to find, just goto the site and search from there next time.

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our league is sponsered by sherwood. we get sherwood sticks for free. but they suck. i use synergies instead. but i have to color them. or black out the logos.

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Guest LEAFS12

That would suck if you had to take out the logo....but I guess its still a SyNergy.

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we get sherwood sticks for free. but they suck.

thats an opinion. define suck, give an idea of what makes them so bad. i think inno sucks, but you need to back it up

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Inno shaftts twist on a lot of people when they take slapshots. I think the blades rock but the shafts largely suck for me.

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Buzz, u think inno sux? what is your backup?

first of all, the shafts are awful, they do twist when winding up a big slap shot, and the puck rarely goes where it is aimed. the polar fibre is the worst grip i have ever used, but i do like the soft grip. i think the balance is bad too, heavier sticks seem lighter than most Inno's ive used. while the blades are very nice, theyre cirves arent so great, the exception being the Murray.

My very first inno experience went thusly: it was a draper fused 1100. first game, 2 goals, 3 assists. second game, blade breaks. third game (now a tapered shaft) shaft breaks in half. Regarding Inno, this is called a "bad batch." regarding Easton, its called, "typical crappy easton sticks."

I feel theyre overrated, overhyped, and overpriced. i dont regularly bash them though, because i like the murray blades, and my Avery Novius

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I think I still have the worst first experience with Inno but while I think they're shafts are good, they really aren't for me. The torquing is the worst part and their shafts are just too thin for my liking. I do love their blades and the Novius fused OPS.

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The other part that gets me is they only offer two patterns and the stick sounds heavy to me at 525g

Folks have to get off the lighter is better mentality. At 525gm, although not as light as the Stealth or the XN10, it’s not a brick either. How well balanced the stick is should be more important than the overall weight. The earlier Eclipses had some durability issues that have seem to have been fixed.

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just as a comparison on the weight thing

i weighed my easton Z carbon 95 wood stick(one of the lighter wood sticks imho), it weighed 565g uncut...

compared to a 455g synergy, its 20% heavier...

100g dont sound like much, but 20% does, and you can feel it...

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If you actually think 525 grams is heavy, I think you need to start working out. People worrying over <100 grams cracks me up. It's like backpackers who drill holes in the handle of their toothbrush so they can lighten their load. It makes no real difference.

Seriously, as it has been said already, it's all about balance. You could have a 220 gram stick, but if the balance is off, it will feel like a lot more.

Back in the day I switched from Aluminum back to woodies because the aluminum shaft/blade combo was too light for me. I must be some kind of weirdo... :rolleyes:

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Buzz, u think inno sux? what is your backup?

first of all, the shafts are awful, they do twist when winding up a big slap shot, and the puck rarely goes where it is aimed. the polar fibre is the worst grip i have ever used, but i do like the soft grip. i think the balance is bad too, heavier sticks seem lighter than most Inno's ive used. while the blades are very nice, theyre cirves arent so great, the exception being the Murray.

My very first inno experience went thusly: it was a draper fused 1100. first game, 2 goals, 3 assists. second game, blade breaks. third game (now a tapered shaft) shaft breaks in half. Regarding Inno, this is called a "bad batch." regarding Easton, its called, "typical crappy easton sticks."

I feel theyre overrated, overhyped, and overpriced. i dont regularly bash them though, because i like the murray blades, and my Avery Novius

I'm gonna have to agree a bit. My one experience has been with a novius tapered shaft and it's been nothing but "eh." I've gotten off the odd rocket, but my Flyweight always shoots harder and more accurately. Same for my M-1.

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