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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Ovechkin press conference on live now

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What I do like though, in the MCI center (verizon center now) the play the ramones, and on the jumbotron it comes up



Gets the crowd going.

But the nickname contest, I agree, about as useful as a one legged man in an ass kicking competition

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I just watched it. I'm a marketing guy so I've seen lots of this kind of stuff before. Overall, not too bad for a hockey company.

A few things:

Good angle that Ovie's first skates were CCM's. Too bad he couldn't remember the model number. "652 or 654, something like that, I can't remember."

Also, during the Q & A at the end, one question was about Alex's involvement in the new equipment line. He basically said there was none, but next year he'd get involved. Um....that's different from what the CCM big wig implied with his opening remarks. oops.

It's nice to see Alex's personality coming out with his improved English. He still has a way to go, but good he's not shying away. It's tough when you don't understand what's happing around you.

Finally, that contest winner from Winnipeg looked like a deer cought in headlights! Pretty funny.

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Brutal, this was a pointless contest. The nicknames that were chosen were fairly mainstream anyways.

Couldn't agree more.. I mean could they have been less original?

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