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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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3d logic game

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Yeahh, I need some help with 15 :P

Red goes up through the crack, the shortest route between the two red blocks. Blue circles around the orange block at the start (obviously at the only end it can circle around). G'luck!

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7 gave me alot of trouble and it was smooth sailing until level 14 and thats where I am stuck now.

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I'm stuck on 23...Although I might figure it out later since 23 levels in an hour seems to mess with your mind... :blink::blink: :lol:

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Yeahh, I need some help with 15 :P

Red goes up through the crack, the shortest route between the two red blocks. Blue circles around the orange block at the start (obviously at the only end it can circle around). G'luck!

i dont have red orange and blue blocksi got purple green and yellow ones

help please on 15

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i had level 15. but when i went on my other pc it slipped my mind.


if that doesnt work


Start with the green square on the left side, go left and around the purple and back to the right. The orange goes straight up to the top.

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