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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which will break first

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i am in need of a new stick and the OPS market seems to be going down the crapper. i was looking at a lot of different reviews and saw alot of complaint about duribility. i know that the Synergy SL breaks very fast becasuse a friends of mine went through 4 in a month and also i saw bad things about the Vapor XXX Lite. i was looking at a steath grip(CNT if possible), inno (true 1), warrior(Dolomite or Mac Daddy), or a Salming G1 (my LHS carriers alot of them). also if anyone has tried out one of the new Vectors...


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Why does everyone ignore the TPS sticks? XN10's are as light as any stick on the market and are quite durable, they're pretty much the best of both worlds.

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i would love to try a tps but they are hard to get round here and the choice of curves does not meet my need

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I have the new Vector V.1O. So far, it's been GREAT! The feel is awesome, is has good grip and the blade is very sitff. As for durability, I haven't had it for very long, but so far it's held up great, considering I give my sticks pretty bad beatings.

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What about the Synergy ST?, I've had it for a month and nothing yet, all the other sticks I've used (Stealth, SL, various two- piece) have been broken by now.

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i've been using a dolomite shaft for about a month and love it. as well as as an 1100 shaft has held up very well, been using it for about 9-10 months.

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I'm sorry about this boring post but durability depends on what level of hockey you play. My cousin has an SL and he had no problems with it in 8 months BUT he weights nothing and plays in a recreative league.

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I'm sorry about this boring post but durability depends on what level of hockey you play. My cousin has an SL and he had no problems with it in 8 months BUT he weights nothing and plays in a recreative league.

I think you're correct, but possibly not for the reasons you think. I've come to realize over time that slashes, giveth and taketh, are what's cutting short durability.

Players in higher level hockey obviously slash more than Joe Rec players.

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CCM Vector sticks seem to be passing the test of time on the durability front. I had an early model and it never broke. I had to stop using it because the tip of the blade started to delayer like an onion.

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my TPS XN10 has been going quite strong with off and on use for the past 2 seasons and my TPS Red Lite control shaft has lasted 9 games and is still perfect (minus scratches and such).

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I have the new Vector V.1O. So far, it's been GREAT! The feel is awesome, is has good grip and the blade is very sitff. As for durability, I haven't had it for very long, but so far it's held up great, considering I give my sticks pretty bad beatings.

Did you have a V130 at any stage? If so are they any way the same, do they have the stickers that peel off and is the blade any better?

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I have had all these minus the G1..and i had the v130 which is the same stick as the v 10..the best stick out of all these for all round durability and preformance is the true one/mac daddy. Great durablity and supurbe feel. Not a horrible price at 239 retail. Also if you have a chance for a Pro XN10 and you are paitent for the first week they are a great addition

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