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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R2 Armour XN10

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Just bought the new TPS R2 from my LHS. The R2 Armour is the new XN10, I guess...I got the whip flex. It came with a composite plug, which is new to me, and the price was dramatically lower than the old XN10 R2. I guess that's because they are made in China now. Skated with it once, and it felt stiffer than my redlite whip flex. Looking forward to playing with it and updating all of you about it's performance.

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I wish my local store was like that. I just checked my local source for sports and they had the old novius shafts for 200 cad

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Man, IF I could find a XN10 R2 for 120, I'd get one for sure, I'm thinking of trying a TPS stick in my hockey schools in the summer, and start of the season next year. So I'm thinking either a Adrenaline/ control, or a R2 XN10


P.S. where'd u get it? I'm just curious if your near me so I could pick one up!

and, do u have any pictures?

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I might be up in Vancouver May, Long weekend, and my dad is heading up tomorrow' so I might just have to pick one up, does anybody know how much the blades cost?

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What blade did u put in it?, I'm thinking of gettin the R2 XN10 Armour with the R2 Armour blade, and I'm just wondering how much and if Cyclone (Taylors?) had them there?

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i just saw some of the armors for sale...and there seems to be 3 different kinds with three diff prices...can anyone tell me why that is?


I thought there was just the 2 models. Red which is grip and yellow which is non?

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i just saw some of the armors for sale...and there seems to be 3 different kinds with three diff prices...can anyone tell me why that is?


I thought there was just the 2 models. Red which is grip and yellow which is non?

on hockey giant there were 3 diff kinds...1 grip 2 non...but for some reason the 'stiff flex' has another diff price

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I have 2 synthesis carbon Yzerman, and 2 synthesis si-core forsberg blades. I chose to go with the Yzerman, the other yzerman is in my Harrow, and the Forsbergs are in the Synthesis 85s.

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i just picked one up the other day. I didn't know it came with a carbon endplug (although tis' pretty short).

Also the grip on the control model is similar to that of bauer's stickum grip.

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i just picked one up the other day. I didn't know it came with a carbon endplug (although tis' pretty short).

Also the grip on the control model is similar to that of bauer's stickum grip.

How was the weight/balance on the shaft, and what blade did you put in it? How does it compare to the R2 XN10?

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i put in a harrow blade. it's a little towards the blade heavy side but other than that the r2 armor is lighter than the original r2. it's not lighter than the R2xn10 for sure.

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