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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First time on ice with T-blades

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Does anyone have ear plugs.The sound is terrible.The performance on the other hand is incredible.I'm torn but i can't play with this terrible clicking noise.I'm hoping the noise will reside some..Hopefully i just need to change my skating style to minimize this racket!!I've been skating with normal blades my whole life and i'm used to that.I must say though that the edge the t blades have are absolutely confidence inspiring especially going in to the corners with speed.And stopping is insane! But the NOISE!!!!!!!These blades make more noise than a disgruntled girl friend.I'm using t blade m -13-280 and i'm thinking about getting s-13-280 reason being less blade on ice = less noise . Makes sense?I'm also thinking lightspeeds but the performance of these t blades is hard to pass up.

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another thread?

Please just add this to one of the millions of tblades threads on msh.. feel free to add to my tblades journal.

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Sorry,Still learning about this forum!! Didn't realize the sensitivity to some with these t blades but thanks for pointing me in correct direction!!! Sweet forum wish i found it sooner!!

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If it's a clicking sound you're hearing, it's possible your runners aren't screwed in tightly enough. Otherwise, I believe they are noisier because they cut the ice deeper, but that's more of a crackling sound.

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If it's a clicking sound you're hearing, it's possible your runners aren't screwed in tightly enough. Otherwise, I believe they are noisier because they cut the ice deeper, but that's more of a crackling sound.

and why are they cutting in deeper? :o

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i had T'Blades for a year but switched to LS2's.There just to much damn work and it feels like the blade is in a U shape and you have more blade in the air in the front and the back then actually on the ice

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LOL you guys are hilarious. Every single time. Damn I love this board. :)

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If it's a clicking sound you're hearing, it's possible your runners aren't screwed in tightly enough. Otherwise, I believe they are noisier because they cut the ice deeper, but that's more of a crackling sound.

and why are they cutting in deeper? :o

They're noticeably sharper.

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The first few time the noise is very loud. After a bit it goes away unless you do like really sharp turns.

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My experience is that if you think about keeping the whole length of the blade in contact with the ice, especially when you're skating hard down the ice, there will be less noise. Also, at the end of your stride, try to feel the blade "lock" to the ice as you do your toe flick. If you have a lot of knee bend and do the toe flick right, there should be less noise.

T'blades won't make you a better skater, but they might help you diagnose problems in your stride, particularly in the toe flick. Don't get too excited... having a more effecient stride won't really make you go faster, but you might not get tired as quick.

As far as tight cornering, there is not much you can do to reduce the noise. Just try to think "balance" and once again, keep as much of the blade on the ice as possible. I tend to lean WAY back on the holder when I'm coming out of a corner, meaning only like a couple inches are on the ice. It sounds like the t'blades are just RIPPING the ice. This phenomenon might be why SalmingUSA talks about "cutting deeper" and whatnot. I don't know if they are cutting deeper or what, but when you're on your heels or toes and cutting hard, it sounds like those blades are absolutely SHREDDING the ice.

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another thread?

Please just add this to one of the millions of tblades threads on msh.. feel free to add to my tblades journal.

It's not like yours was the first one either. ;)

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another thread?

Please just add this to one of the millions of tblades threads on msh.. feel free to add to my tblades journal.

It's not like yours was the first one either. ;)

B) but mine has pazazz

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I've had mine for 2 years.. never "click" but like someone mentioned up^ there, they are very sharp and create a ton of noise on turns, but i play with guys on Tuesdays where they have regular tuuks that sound louder :o

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If it's a clicking sound you're hearing, it's possible your runners aren't screwed in tightly enough. Otherwise, I believe they are noisier because they cut the ice deeper, but that's more of a crackling sound.

and why are they cutting in deeper? :o

They're noticeably sharper.

Gotcha. :lol: I also hear they melt the ice which makes you skate so much faster too.

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I don't know whether they melt the ice better, although I know that t'blade makes that claim.

But my finger has first-hand experience with the sharpness.... :D

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