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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Hollow

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For the sharpeners on the forum, at what hollow do you sharpen rec figure skates? I tend to go 5/8" but I have no idea what is should be.

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I do 3/4 for pure rec, which means skate in circles. If they are a bit advanced and do just dance, 3/4 works perfect. If they will be doing any spins/jumps, I'll do 1/2.

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Are we talking high-end or recreational?

On high-end blades, the hollow is recommended by the type of activity they are doing. Obviously personal preference weighs in that though.

At RDV I sharpened most figures at 5/8". I had some that went down to 7/16" and the deepest I've done was 1/4" for a synthetic ice skater at Disney.

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Are we talking high-end or recreational?

On high-end blades, the hollow is recommended by the type of activity they are doing. Obviously personal preference weighs in that though.

At RDV I sharpened most figures at 5/8". I had some that went down to 7/16" and the deepest I've done was 1/4" for a synthetic ice skater at Disney.

he said rec, so I assume he means just recreational, not high end

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Are we talking high-end or recreational? 

On high-end blades, the hollow is recommended by the type of activity they are doing.  Obviously personal preference weighs in that though.

At RDV I sharpened most figures at 5/8".  I had some that went down to 7/16" and the deepest I've done was 1/4" for a synthetic ice skater at Disney.

he said rec, so I assume she means just recreational, not high end

I definately mean rec skates. I have total confidence in my sharpening but have not had any formal training for competitive skates so I'd be very nervous to attempt to sharpen them. That's a lot of money if you mess up!

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Actually it's a she, but I just woke up and I'm still groggy.

wow, how did you determine it was she? physic? :D

And I'm just the opposite, groggy and getting ready for bed.

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