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hockey stores

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can i get some advice on hockey stores like hockeymonkey, hockeygiant,epuck does it cost alot to have it shipped canada and is it expenceof thanks

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I cant even understand what you are asking. Please make your question clearer.

If I understand correctly you are asking what online store is cheaper to ship to Canada?Well,im sure buying from your LHS will be the best bet.

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It doesnt take much to ask them yourselves.

Hockeygiant charges you an asshole and some to have it shipped to Canada.

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you'll get raped by hockeymonkey because of UPS brokerage fees and it takes a while to get here since its ground shipping.

HockeyGiant will give you air delivery via FedEx but the shipping costs are uber high but the duty isn't nearly as much as UPS Brokerage and you get your order in a matter of days.

EPuck gives you an option of UPS or USPS so theres a better option. USPS is good but it takes a while to get to Canada and again, you don't pay ridiculous UPS brokerage.

hope that helps

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I live in Saskatchewan and have found hockey giant better than hockey monkey. Hockey giant is way faster and if you add up the shipping and duty - hockey giant is a better price.

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Many companies will offer free shipping if you buy enough stuff (anywhere between $50-200 worth of stuff), and it probably applies to anywhere in North America.

Also, I think Cyclone Taylor's in Vancouver sometimes has some nice prices.

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I'm a big fan of Perani's personally. i live two hours away from the closest one in London and they went me a helmet and shipping was only like 4/5 bucks pretty good deal


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I am living south of the border right now and my experience is that hockeymonkey will rape you no matter what country you live in and what nationality you are (they shouldn't know I'm Canadian should they?)

If you want to read about getting shafted instead of doing it:

My Story

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can i get some advice on hockey stores like hockeymonkey, hockeygiant,epuck does it cost alot to have it shipped canada and is it expenceof thanks

Most manufacturers don't permit shops to ship across the border but it happens and the manufacturers don't enforce their own rules.

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if you live in canada, and place an order from peranis, will they ship from their canadian stores, or will i be looking at more duty/brokerage fees?

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