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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro elbow pads

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Is there a rule that disallows the pros from wearing hard cap elbow pads? I believe most high-end elbow pads have hard caps. So if this is true, what do they wear, specially made equipment or regular retail soft caps, which are usually low-end?

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I have a pair of Jofa 9144 pros. They are made in Sweeden not Asia like all the retail stuff. What is the differance from the mine and the retail pads other than where their made?

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The caps on jofa stuff are now covered with a softer material overtop, but there's still the hard plastic stuff.

Wrong. Not the pro ones.

Maybe he means underneath the soft material?

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Jofa made a retail set that had the softer outer material, but was still hard underneath. The pro versions are soft throughout. I believe the RBK ones are the same as pro. The xx77 ones.

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