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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What CCM helmet do most NHL'rs wear?

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well, on the outside it looks just like my 652 (not rounded out like the 852/1052) but it seems they all have the beige natural looking foam whereas my 652 has black foam padding.. it reminds me of the old CCM helmet I had as a kid, but these helmets can't be old so I'm just wondering what model they are..

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They're the 652s but I guess the pros can use whatever foam they want in it. Even in one game I was watching, I coulda sworn one guy had the Mission bucket with foam in it. We gotta get whatever's available to us, even though we can customize it ourselves. I'd love to put foam in My Mission or RBK helmet as opposed to that EPP crap.

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yeah I swear I've seen people using the Intake with that foam in it.

You have, a lot of pros prefer that type of foam. I do too.

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yeah I swear I've seen people using the Intake with that foam in it.

You have, a lot of pros prefer that type of foam. I do too.

oh okay, thanks Chadd

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Look at Shanahan's red helmet the next time you see him. It looks to be faded to pink like he has been wearing it since he got there.

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And Chris Chelios helmet padding made from cork. :blink:

Don't laugh, my old Gretz Jofa actually has cork in it.

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whoa the foam looks really thin

lots of pros prefer the yellow foam though right? Whats the difference between black and yellow anyway?

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And Chris Chelios helmet padding made from cork.  :blink:

Don't laugh, my old Gretz Jofa actually has cork in it.

Haha I forgot about that. I used to have a couple of the old Gretzky buckets and they did have cork inside up top.

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